How to remember block settings ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by nygusik, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. nygusik

    nygusik Guest


    I have quick question and I pretty sure that it's easy but I can't
    found solution!
    I quite often work on blocks and before I do anything I have to
    prepare my blocks to look clear, so I freeze layers which I don't
    need. When my block looks OK, I save block and came back to actual
    But when I need to open once again my block it look exactly as at the
    Does someone know how to setup block that it will remember my changes
    (especially layers which were froze) and when I open my block again
    and again it will look how I save it last time.

    Thanks for any help!
    Sorry for my English!
    nygusik, Apr 17, 2007
  2. nygusik

    Julie Guest

    If you were talking about trying to save changes to an "xref" dwg --
    not a "block" -- I might be able to help you. If you're truly working
    with a block, though, unfortunately I can't offer much help at this
    time. (I would suspect, though, that the block was created without
    floating properties made possible with BYLAYER and BYBLOCK settings.
    You might also explore the ATTREDEF command but read up on it first,
    using "Help", as it redefines a block and updates associated
    attributes... while removing any format or property changes with the
    ATTEDIT or EATTEDIT commands).

    If, by chance, you're making changes to an "xref" drawing's layers
    (freezing, changing colors, etc.) within a host/current drawing and
    those changes aren't permanently saved within the host drawing's layer
    table beyond one session (meaning when you re-open the host drawing it
    has reverted back to the original xref-dependent layer settings), then
    you need to look into a system variable called "VISRETAIN".

    To make xref-dependent layer changes (made in the host/current
    drawing) take precedence, type in "visretain" and set the value to
    "1". Layer settings will then be saved with the current drawing's
    layer table and persist from session to session.

    Julie, Apr 17, 2007
  3. nygusik

    nygusik Guest

    I perhaps should have mentioned that I am trying to work on my blocks
    using the block editor option and everytime I return to view my block
    in block editor all the layers are showing again.
    nygusik, Apr 17, 2007
  4. nygusik

    taiken Guest

    On 4/21/07 I read:
    Try this -- When you have the layers setup just the way you want click
    Express-->Layers--> Layer Manager. Click Save in the dialogue box and name
    the layer state. Now when you need to restore that layer state to work on
    the blocks you mention go through the layer manager and choose restore. Hope
    this is what you're looking for. I use this scenario alot in ACAD.
    taiken, Apr 22, 2007
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