how to recognize blocks ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by MRL, Jun 13, 2004.

  1. MRL

    MRL Guest


    I've mirrored some blocks (with attributes) over the X-axis and over the
    How can i recognize which block is mirrored over the X-axis ?
    How can i recognize which block is mirrored over the Y-axis ?

    MRL, Jun 13, 2004
  2. MRL

    ECCAD Guest

    Do a 'List' on the object, IF the X or Y scale factor is -1 then it is mirrored.

    ECCAD, Jun 13, 2004
  3. MRL

    MRL Guest

    You're right Bob,

    But how do i recognize which object is mirrored over the X-axis ?
    And how do i recognize which object is mirrored over the Y-axis ?

    MRL, Jun 13, 2004
  4. MRL Guest

    AFAIK you cant get this information with absolut reliability. The following seems to work, but i'mnot sure if it is so in any case:
    - blocks xScale=-1 and rotation=0: mirrored at y axis
    - bocks xScale=-1 and rotation=180: mirrored at x axis
    And of course there can be blocks with this values, but inserted manually and not mirrored
, Jun 14, 2004
  5. MRL

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Yscale -1

    Jürg Menzi, Jun 14, 2004
  6. MRL

    Steve Doman Guest

    Not necessarily -1, but negative.

    Steve Doman, Jun 14, 2004
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