How to pull a list of profiles each time AutoCAD starts

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Sean Salmela, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. Sean Salmela

    Sean Salmela Guest

    I don't know if anyone here is used to using MicroStation like I am, but one
    nice feature that helps us in a large company with lots of different clients
    is the ability to choose project settings in a pull down that populates from
    a central location as the program is started before a drawing is opened
    (unless of course you doubleclick the actual drawing file).

    In AutoCAD (02 or 05) I've been creating profiles for different projects and
    saving them to a networked location, and then telling users to import the
    project profile. The only problem with this is that if changes are made to
    the profile, I'd have to remind people to re-import the new profile.

    My question is, has anyone created a customization to ask the user to select
    the client/project as autocad is started (or as each drawing is opened) that
    will then pull the appropriate profile from the network and apply it to the
    individual workstation?

    This maybe a network group question, but sounds like it's not a feature in
    autocad environment?
    Sean Salmela, Jul 3, 2004
  2. Sean Salmela

    Anthony Guest

    have a look in the vba help
    and look for the import profile example, you could call this routine
    everytime a user starts autocad.

    if you would like i can write this routine for you, just let me know the
    location of your profiles and i'll see what we can come up with.


    Anthony, Jul 4, 2004
  3. Sean Salmela

    dblaha Guest

    Do a search for 'profname' in this discussion group and check out the topic dated Mar/01/02. It discusses the mechanics for doing what you are describing.
    dblaha, Jul 6, 2004
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