how to plot w/r temperature, corner and supply

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by sonnyasu, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. sonnyasu

    sonnyasu Guest

    Hi all,

    I have a question here for writting the oceanScript. I 'm trying to
    write a script that can plot transient, AC and Noise with respect to
    temperature, corner and supply. Basically I want to show all corner,
    supply and temperature information on the plots with the written
    script. Please help me out to save the simulation time.. If you have
    any idea, please reply back to me.

    Thx a mil..
    sonnyasu, Jul 26, 2007
  2. I suggest you start ade once, and set up the simulations that you want
    and set the variables and then use save to script to get an initial
    ocean script. Don't care about using the corner tool, use plain ADE.

    Then you divide your scripts in two: one for the simulation and one
    for the plotting. Wrap your simulations in a foreach loop and set up
    your corners as lists:

    ;; after the last desVar() setting insert the following
    (setq tempL (list -40 75 125))
    (setq vddL (list 3.0 3.3 3.5))
    (setq cornerL (list "ss" "tt" "ff"))

    (foreach (tempV vddV cornerV) tempL vddL cornerL
    (desVar "vdd" vddV)
    (temp tempV)
    (setq modelFiles (list "path/to/wherever" cornerL)
    ;; Here comes your simulations .

    This will run your simulations

    Then you create a different file for the measurements and plots. Use
    the same simulator, netlist and resultsdir settings as the original
    script. Don't be afraid to use the awd* SKILL functions directly.
    Ocean alone may not always make you happy. skartistref.pdf is your
    friend on low-level graph generation, as is a couple of Andrews
    scripts here.

    Use load() to load the ocean scripts into your CIW session. You can
    also use ocean < oceanscript.ocn on the command line, but that is
    horribly slow for debugging. Running overnight is ok as long as you
    don't want to do too much fancy as ocean binary doesn't load all
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jul 27, 2007
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