How to plot the first physical layout after Model

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by steen maigaard, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. Hi all.

    I am new to programming autocad , and i need some help.

    I have some drawings, where i can have a number of layouts, and the layout
    name can differ from drawing to drawing. I have to plot the first layout
    after the "Model", but because of the way that AutoCAD sorts the layouts, i
    can't use this way. AutoCAD sorts them alphabetically, but i need to get
    hold of the 1. physical layout (the first layout right to "Model") how can i
    do this, and can it be done at all??

    Thanks in advance

    Steen Maigaard
    steen maigaard, Aug 9, 2004
  2. steen maigaard

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    For Each Layout in ThisDrawing.Layouts
    if Layout.TabOrder = 1 then
    'do your plot stuff here
    End If
    Jeff Mishler, Aug 9, 2004
  3. Hi Jeff.
    You just made my day, thanks pal,thanks.
    It works perfectly

    steen maigaard, Aug 11, 2004
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