How to pass values to mppBBox

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by lokeshraje, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. lokeshraje

    lokeshraje Guest

    Hi ,
    I wrote a template for creating Nwell Ring(Yeah the substrate contact
    for the PMOS transistor).
    Now I'm trying to change the length of the Ring that i drew, by
    passing values through the CIW..
    The Code is as follows:

    ;Getting the id of the ROD object
    ;in this case Nwell Ring
    Output at CIW: rodObj:0xeee5f54
    obj2~>mppBBox;This is the point that i want to change automatically By
    passing values through the CIW
    Output at CIW: ((3.66 33.86)
    (12.5 34.78)

    newPoint=list(list(4 34) list(12 40))
    Output at CIW: ((4 34)
    (12 40)
    Output at CIW: *Error* setSGq: invalid ROD data - rodObj:0xeee5f54
    What is the problem with the above code..?
    (When i try to change the points manually by querrying the Nwell
    Ring,It accepts the points i give)

    Thanks and regards,
    Lokesh rajendran
    lokeshraje, Jun 1, 2009
  2. Lokesh,

    You can't stretch a multipart path (or even a path for that matter) by changing
    the bBox.

    Easiest way is to do:


    where newPointList is the list of new points you want the MPP to have.


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 1, 2009
  3. lokeshraje

    I-F AB Guest

    MPP are path-type objects.
    Shouldn't they be stretched by changing the points on the path only?

    If you want to write a code to change it based on size (or boundary)
    of the MPP, I believe you also only have to know the enclosure of the
    widest path enclosing the MPP/reference/primary path (fiuh, that's a
    mouthful). Then do some calculations to get the end point co-ordinates
    to be modified.

    So now you have the MPP points, enclosure width and bounding box
    values... some mathematical calculations may be required.

    Best regards,
    I-F AB, Jun 2, 2009
  4. lokeshraje

    lokeshraje Guest

    Hi Andrew,
    Thanks for the help...
    My code is working fine now..........
    Lokesh rajendran..
    lokeshraje, Jun 2, 2009
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