how to output simulation waveform

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by at, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. at

    at Guest

    Anyone knows how can I save the simulation output into a readable format
    like comma seperated values or something that I use a different software
    to plot the output? Do I have to write an ocean script to dump out the
    data and then save? My current hack is to do it with ocean script (which
    is terribly slow.)

    out = outfile("./paramResults.out" "w")

    for(tt 1 1000
    time = tt*0.001 - 1*0.001
    fprintf(out "%5.3f " time) ; Print the time stamp
    fprintf(out "%1.6e \n" value(getData("/N2/D" ?result "dc" ),time))


    at, Feb 28, 2007
  2. Search for abWriteOutputsASCII in comp.cad.cadence and you will find a
    little procedure that may help you.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Feb 28, 2007
  3. Also, with recent wavescan versions, you can produce a table for any waveform,
    and then save that as csv - doesn't help if you want to do it from OCEAN, but if
    you merely want to do it interactively, then that can help.

    In addition to Svenn's suggestion, you can also use the ocnPrint() function -
    you might want to avoid using a fixed step, because otherwise it has to
    interpolate. If you really want the steps on a regular grid, and you're using
    spectre, use transient strobeperiod option to place a timestep at a regular
    interval and output at these solved timesteps


    Andrew Beckett, Mar 1, 2007
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