how to make a flat helix curve in Pro/e

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by thn, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. thn

    thn Guest

    I've been searching and searching manuals etc., no luck.
    Anyone out there who knows how to make a helix curve without pitch, just a
    flat spiral?

    thn, Feb 9, 2005
  2. thn

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Datum curve from equation, cylindrical coordinates

    r = IR + t * (OR - IR)
    theta = t * 360 * #T
    z = 0

    IR = Inner Radius
    OR = Outer Radius
    #T = Number of Rotations

    (That's the formula published in a PTC Suggested Technique article. I have
    no idea what the curve is, but would guess it's an Archemedes spiral(?).)
    Jeff Howard, Feb 9, 2005
  3. thn

    Pablo Guest

    Hi Thomas,

    One solution would be to create a DATUM CURVE from equation, choose a
    coordinate system and then enter these parametric equations that are
    function of the parameter t (except the z equation, since you want a spiral
    and not an helix):


    The parameter t varies from 0 to 1. Hope it helps.

    Pablo, Feb 9, 2005
  4. thn

    Pablo Guest

    I forgot to tell that for these equations you need to pick a cartesian
    coordinate system.

    Pablo, Feb 9, 2005
  5. thn

    thn Guest

    Hi Jeff
    Thanks! It works. However slightly more complicated than in fx. 3D Studio

    thn, Feb 10, 2005
  6. thn

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ....slightly more complicated than in fx. 3D Studio Max!

    8~) Yes, 'tis.

    I'm such a dullard when it comes to math; I keep thinking I should try to
    find the template sheets that Pro brings up for equation driven curves and
    copy equations to them so I don't have to look them up or copy from a cheat
    sheet. Anyone happen to know if that's possible and what the template file
    names are? Anyone got a good equation cheat sheet made up they want to

    It's sort of interesting, too, when you get time to play; create a helical
    swept "ribbon" surface (not "Ribbon Datum") using something other than a
    vertical line for the Swp Profile and project an edge back to the axis
    normal datum plane.
    Jeff Howard, Feb 10, 2005
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