how to make 3d solid landmass and topo map w/o fancy add-on

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by wahzoo, Aug 17, 2003.

  1. wahzoo

    wahzoo Guest

    Hi, I'm using AC2K and Win2K. I've just finished a nice 3d map of a
    hilly 5 acre building site --and a topo map from that. I'm posting
    this for people who know AutoLISP and can't (or won't) afford a fancy
    AutoCAD add-on.

    I'd rather not post the source because it's far from universal but I
    thought the description would be useful.

    My data are simple 3d points sampled in a cartisian grid pattern, IN
    MY CASE 1 GRID UNIT IS 20'. I've elevated all my data so that all of
    my Z's are above 0.

    (How I obtained this data is another war story. Suffice it to say it
    involved a laser level and endlessly tromping thru brush much of this
    summer. No topo maps are available even close to this detail, and GPS
    can't be used for two reasons: 1) I think civillian resolution is
    still blunted temporarily by the military and 2) my lot is heavily

    All of the following was done in AutoLISP:

    First I "squared" the data. By that I mean my lot is not rectangular
    so I calculated averages of ajacent points around the perimeter until
    I had a rectangular data set. I do this to make further processing
    easier and give a good margin for the ends of the splines yet to be
    drawn below. Most if not all of this synthesized data will be chopped
    off later. Your data set may have missing points in the middle of
    your property here and there. (Either you forgot to measure or
    couldn't because of steepness, brush etc.) Average out a
    guess from adjacent points.

    Next, for every unit line in the grid, draw a SPLINE. Make sure the
    spline passes <through> the data points, else you won't be able to
    break them. (See system variable ?) I'm at default settings related
    to SPLINE.

    Next, BREAK the splines up at each unit mark in the grid.

    Next, for each cell in the drawing...

    (Cell: a square 1 unit per side (20' in my case), defined
    by four data points or four (broken) splines.)

    Find the splines making up the four sides of the cell.
    Feed the 4 splines to EDGESURF.

    (Note: SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2 will determine how many facets
    are in the resulting coons mesh. Pick your own value for
    SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2 but make them equal. Do this once
    immediately preceeding this loop.)

    EXPLODE the resulting coons mesh.

    For each 3dface created from the explosion...

    (We need create an extrusion that is then SLICEd in the
    plane of the 3dface, but this is impossible when the 4
    points making up the 3dface are out of plane. So we...)

    Draw (PLINE) 2 triangles out of the points making up the 3dface.
    Make the Z's of all 3 points of each triangle 0.

    (The rub here is that a diagonal must be chosen to divide
    the square 3dface into 2 triangles. Should we draw the diagnol
    from the SW to the NE or from the SE to the NW? One or the
    other can result in a quite different shape. But since I've
    chosen a relatively high SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2 the facets
    are about 2' on a side which provides enough resolution for my
    purposes. I've just decided to always draw the diagnol SW to

    For each triangle created... (2 of 'em)

    EXTRUDE the triangle to some height well above your highest
    elevation. (I use 10000.)

    SLICE the triangle extrusion using XY's from the points
    originally used to draw the triangle and the respective
    Z's from the 3dface. Keep only the side of the extrusion
    closest to Z=0.

    End loop for each triangle

    Delete the 3dface.

    End loop for each 3dface

    End loop for each cell

    The result will be quite a few solids. It may take days to UNION them
    all, but I use 2 ways with AutoLISP to accomplish this in short order.
    One function is called IncrementalUnion. This just selects solids
    within a given initial boundary square, moves the square over, does it
    again, etc. then when the drawing space is covered it increases the
    boundary square size by a factor of 2 and scans over the drawing again
    etc. until there is only 1 solid. Another routine is called
    RandomUnion. It picks X number of solids randomly from the existing
    set and UNIONs them, picks the next X of them, etc. I use both of
    these routines. Typically IncrementalUnion will produce AutoCAD 3d
    modeling errors about once every 1000 tries. Don't know why. You
    can't detect these errors via the (command) interface. The only way
    in pure AutoLISP I've found of detecting these errors involves turning
    on the log and inspecting the log every time a 3d command is done.
    Instead of bothering with all this, if after running IncrementalUnion
    the number of solids is greater than 1 I call RandomUnion. Somehow
    picking non-ajacent solids make the 3d modeling errors go away.

    The result of the big UNION is 1 solid representing the land mass.
    Now we can get rid of the artificial portion of the solid resulting
    from "squaring the data" above. I have a region in my drawing
    representing the lot perimeter. I simply make sure DELOBJ=0, extrude
    that region to 10000 and INTERSECT the region with the land mass

    Now we're ready to make the topo map. Determine your contour line
    division. I've chosen 5 feet. Set the view to front. Start at the
    bottom. (You might want to save the landmass somewhere else first.)

    set Z=5
    Until you've reached the highest elevation
    SLICE the landmass thru the xy plane at Z
    EXPLODE the solid just created
    SELECT all of the resulting regions just above (Z-5) and
    just below Z and delete them (Use SELECT with the "box"
    method, although I wouldn't be surprised if there's a
    better way.)
    The remaining region represents the topo line for that
    elevation, move it down to Z=0.
    Increment Z by 5 feet
    end loop

    Set your view to top.

    wahzoo, Aug 17, 2003
  2. wahzoo

    john Guest

    Not to knock what you have done and maybe to help others, from this
    to this point, M2S.lsp appears to achieve the same thing. It will
    leave you with solids whose upper surfaces match your topology.

    M2S.lsp is available at
    John B

    Put the "at" in the gap.
    john, Aug 17, 2003
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