How to learn to generate macros in sw.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by momic, May 3, 2006.

  1. momic

    momic Guest

    Hi, I m working on solidworks modelling and detailing since 2 yrs . Now
    i want to learn how to generate Macros in SW can any one suggest me.

    Please help me in these .
    momic, May 3, 2006
  2. momic

    That70sTick Guest

    Macros are made by starting the macro recorder to record a set of
    actions that you wish to repeat. Macros can then be run to repeat the
    recorded program, or edited in the SW VBA editor.

    You will not get far just recording macros. SW does not do a good job
    of capturing all commands. Also, there are many problems when trying
    to make a macro that requires selections.

    If you are interested in macros, start by learning Visual Basic. SW
    uses VBA, which is also similar to VB6. Once you understand VBA and
    how it interacts with other programs, it will be easier to make sense
    of macros.
    That70sTick, May 3, 2006
  3. The other good method of learning is to look at existing ones. You can go
    to the API help and find lots of examples, and also look for macros posted
    on the internet.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 3, 2006
  4. momic

    John H Guest

    Do you know of any online tutorials that teach VB?

    John H
    John H, May 3, 2006
  5. momic

    fcsuper Guest

    John and momic,

    I've also been trying to learn VBA. Experience with VB6 does help, but
    itsn't 100% necessary. My main propblem has been that I've been
    underwelmed by the limited amount of publically available macro code
    for SolidWorks.

    Here's some sites that have useful macros that already do much of what
    you may need (whether you know it yet or not):

    and in the forums on

    Study of already available code will help until you are ready to take
    some VB6 courses.
    fcsuper, May 3, 2006
  6. momic

    That70sTick Guest

    Plenty of books available at Barnes & Noble.
    That70sTick, May 3, 2006
  7. momic

    Ben Eadie Guest

    I would recommend highly 'Automating Solidworks 2006 using macros' this
    book friggin rocks it has saved me tons and tons of time by helping me
    with how to make macros.... I have very limited programing VBA and the
    book explained everything I needed
    Ben Eadie, May 4, 2006
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