How to join polylines in VBA

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Norman Yuan, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. Norman Yuan

    Norman Yuan Guest

    I need to join many polylines (they are connected to each other end to end)
    into a single polyline. If doing it manually, "PEdit" command is available
    for just that. The problem is there are thousand small polyline segments to
    be joined.

    I cannot find corresponding method in AcadLWPolyline object to join other
    entity (AcadLWPolyline, AcadLine, AcadArc...), equivalent to "PEdit"
    command. Any idea?
    Norman Yuan, Sep 27, 2004
  2. Norman Yuan

    Matt W Guest

    How about using PEDIT --> Multiple and entering a FUZZ factor to jump any
    gaps between lines??

    I support two teams: the Red Sox and whoever beats the Yankees.

    |I need to join many polylines (they are connected to each other end to end)
    | into a single polyline. If doing it manually, "PEdit" command is available
    | for just that. The problem is there are thousand small polyline segments
    | be joined.
    | I cannot find corresponding method in AcadLWPolyline object to join other
    | entity (AcadLWPolyline, AcadLine, AcadArc...), equivalent to "PEdit"
    | command. Any idea?
    Matt W, Sep 27, 2004
  3. Norman Yuan

    Norman Yuan Guest

    I am trying to make a VBA routine to do the job. I have several hundreds of
    drawings to be processed. I do not want to use SendCommand() to call "PEDIT"
    in VBA because of the asynchronous nature of this call.

    So far, I did this:

    Pseudo code:

    Dim go As Boolean

    Do Until Not go
    For Each Found AcadLWPolyline (CurrentPL) in Drawing

    Search entire drawing to find Polylines that connect to CurrentPL
    end to end (two at most)

    If found then
    Join found Polyline(s) to CurrentPL:
    a. Get found Polyline's coordinates;
    b. Add vertex to CurrentPL using above coordinates
    c. Erase found polylines
    Exit For to do another Do loop until all polylines in the
    drawing do not have other polyline(s) connected to it end to end.
    End If



    This is working fine as I expected, if there are not two many polylines in
    drawing. But the drawings I am going to process have several thousands of
    polylines (after processing, there may be only a few hundreds polylines
    left), this process takes way too long to process (up to 20 minutes for
    2000KB drawing full of short polyline segments connected to each other end
    to end, on a 1GHz CPU machine).

    Hope someone can come up with better idea.
    Norman Yuan, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Hi Norman,
    I you only have to run the PEDIT command and nothing else but open the next drawing after it you shouldn't have a problem.
    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Sep 28, 2004
  5. Norman Yuan

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Norman

    Maybe this code can help you:
    Public Function MeJoinPline(FstPol As AcadLWPolyline, NxtPol As AcadLWPolyline,
    FuzVal as Double) As Boolean
    Dim FstArr() As Double
    Dim NxtArr() As Double
    Dim TmpPnt(0 To 1) As Double
    Dim FstLen As Long
    Dim NxtLen As Long
    Dim VtxCnt As Long
    Dim FstCnt As Long
    Dim NxtCnt As Long
    Dim RevFlg As Boolean
    Dim RetVal As Boolean
    With FstPol
    FstArr = .Coordinates
    NxtArr = NxtPol.Coordinates
    FstLen = UBound(FstArr)
    NxtLen = UBound(NxtArr)
    If MePointsEqual(FstArr, 1, NxtArr, NxtLen, FuzVal) Then
    MeReversePline FstPol
    FstArr = .Coordinates
    MeReversePline NxtPol
    NxtArr = NxtPol.Coordinates
    RevFlg = True
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf MePointsEqual(FstArr, 1, NxtArr, 1, FuzVal) Then
    MeReversePline FstPol
    FstArr = .Coordinates
    RevFlg = True
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf MePointsEqual(FstArr, FstLen, NxtArr, NxtLen, FuzVal) Then
    MeReversePline NxtPol
    NxtArr = NxtPol.Coordinates
    RevFlg = False
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf MePointsEqual(FstArr, FstLen, NxtArr, 1, FuzVal) Then
    RevFlg = False
    RetVal = True
    RetVal = False
    End If
    If RetVal Then
    FstCnt = (FstLen - 1) / 2
    NxtCnt = 0
    .SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt)
    For VtxCnt = 2 To NxtLen Step 2
    FstCnt = FstCnt + 1
    NxtCnt = NxtCnt + 1
    TmpPnt(0) = NxtArr(VtxCnt)
    TmpPnt(1) = NxtArr(VtxCnt + 1)
    .AddVertex FstCnt, TmpPnt
    .SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt)
    Next VtxCnt
    If RevFlg Then MeReversePline FstPol
    End If
    End With
    MeJoinPline = RetVal
    End Function
    ' -----
    Public Function MeReversePline(PolObj As AcadLWPolyline)
    Dim NewArr() As Double
    Dim BlgArr() As Double
    Dim OldArr() As Double
    Dim SegCnt As Long
    Dim ArrCnt As Long
    Dim ArrLen As Long
    With PolObj
    OldArr = .Coordinates
    ArrLen = UBound(OldArr)
    SegCnt = (ArrLen - 1) / 2
    ReDim NewArr(0 To ArrLen)
    ReDim BlgArr(0 To SegCnt + 1)
    For ArrCnt = SegCnt To 0 Step -1
    BlgArr(ArrCnt) = .GetBulge(SegCnt - ArrCnt) * -1
    Next ArrCnt
    For ArrCnt = ArrLen To 0 Step -2
    NewArr(ArrLen - ArrCnt + 1) = OldArr(ArrCnt)
    NewArr(ArrLen - ArrCnt) = OldArr(ArrCnt - 1)
    Next ArrCnt
    .Coordinates = NewArr
    For ArrCnt = 0 To SegCnt
    .SetBulge ArrCnt, BlgArr(ArrCnt + 1)
    Next ArrCnt
    End With
    End Function
    ' -----
    Public Function MePointsEqual(FstArr, FstPos As Long, NxtArr, NxtPos As Long, _
    FuzVal As Double) As Boolean
    Dim XcoDst As Double
    Dim YcoDst As Double
    XcoDst = FstArr(FstPos - 1) - NxtArr(NxtPos - 1)
    YcoDst = FstArr(FstPos) - NxtArr(NxtPos)
    MePointsEqual = (Sqr(XcoDst ^ 2 + YcoDst ^ 2) < FuzVal)
    End Function
    Jürg Menzi, Sep 28, 2004
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