How to hide part's datums of subassembly in main assembly?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Tomik, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. Tomik

    Tomik Guest

    For example I have one subassembly with three parts and I'm placing it to
    main assembly and I'd like to see only main datums of this subassembly but I
    see also datums of all these three parts.
    Wildfire 2
    Tomik, Apr 29, 2005
  2. Tomik

    Robert Brown Guest

    If you have a layer in your part that has the datum's on, you can go to
    the layer tree in the part, hide the layer with the parts on,
    right-click & save status. Then save the part - this will hide all of
    the datum's in the part for the assembly as well as the part itself.
    Robert Brown, Apr 29, 2005
  3. Tomik

    Tomik Guest

    It would be fine, bu I've just found this notice in Hepl:

    "The hidden status of items is session-dependent; it is not saved with the
    model. All hidden items are redisplayed automatically when you exit

    But I Thank, it's helped me a bit.
    Tomik, Apr 29, 2005
  4. Tomik

    Robert Brown Guest

    I'm using this in Wildfire 2.0 M020 and M080, and by saving the
    status and saving the part, it doers keep the datum's hidden from one
    session to the next.

    Robert Brown, Apr 29, 2005
  5. Tomik

    peterdouglas Guest

    Hidden status only refers to those items in the model window or tree
    upon which you right-click and select 'Hide'. The Help notice you read
    is not referring to layer display statuses. If you change the layer
    display, do a 'Save Status' and then save the file, in the next session
    the object will reload with that layer status.

    peterdouglas, Apr 29, 2005
  6. Tomik

    Jeff Howard Guest

    For example I have one subassembly with three parts and I'm placing it to
    In the Model tree, RMB the features, Hide or Unhide as desired. (Hide can
    be done in the graphics area.)

    If you wish to make the change persistant, RMB the component, Open, Save
    Status (be one of a few methods), Save and Close.
    Jeff Howard, Apr 30, 2005
  7. Tomik

    Tomik Guest

    Many Thanks to all for useful suggestions.
    Tomik, May 1, 2005
  8. Tomik

    Tomik Guest

    I'm using WF 2.0 M030. Is any switch in, which allow to save
    automaticaly display status during normal save? In this moment, I'm saving a
    part and a display status separately (File -> Save; View -> Visibility ->
    Save Status).
    Thanks in advance
    Tomik, May 1, 2005
  9. Tomik

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I'm using WF 2.0 M030. Is any switch in,
    I don't believe it's possible.

    You must Save Status to make the Hidden status persistant.

    There are two factors to contend with when working in an assembly. Saving
    the layer status and then making sure the part is saved to disk.

    When working in an assembly, if you have made a change to the part that
    will cause it to be saved when you save the assembly you'll be good to go.
    If you have not (the only change to the part was feature visibility) you
    must explicitly save that part, otherwise the part's saved layer status
    isn't saved to disk*.

    You might want to make mapkeys cut down on the mouse work (that's my
    preference). You can also use the Select option in the File Save dialog to
    pick and forcibly save individual part files while in the assembly

    is another discussion where I asked the same question. (*There's mention
    of a config option that causes all files to be save when the assy file is
    saved. Not a good deal, IMO, though.)

    Let's see what else might come up here.
    Jeff Howard, May 1, 2005
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