How to get the derivation of a graph ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stefan Joeres, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. Hi alltogether,

    I measured the output frequency of a VCO, and plotted it against the control
    Now I want to determine the steepness (Kvco).
    Does anyone know how to do this with the Cadence calculator ?
    A simple deriv(waveform) produces something that really doesn't look like
    the thing I'm searching for ....

    Thanks a lot,

    Stefan Joeres
    Stefan Joeres, Mar 2, 2004
  2. Well, deriv should be OK. May be a bit noisy, because it's using just the points
    which came out of the simulator.

    You could always write a verilog-A model to do the derivative using ddt().
    Are you measuring the frequency of the VCO with Verilog-A? (the benefit of
    doing it with verilog-a is that the crossing points are controlled, and so you
    don't get jitter from numerical interpolation). There's a component, freq_meter,
    in ahdlLib.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 5, 2004
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