How to get the cell name list of one library?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tech11, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. tech11

    tech11 Guest

    Hello everyone,

    In one shell script, I wanna get the cell name list of a library, and the
    library isn't in the current directory, how should I do?

    Thanks for your help!


    tech11, Aug 3, 2007
  2. why dont you try


    gives you a nice list!
    Guenther Sohler, Aug 3, 2007
  3. tech11

    tech11 Guest

    Thanks for your answer!

    Since it's one shell script, how may I run the skill function to get the
    cell list?
    tech11, Aug 3, 2007
  4. you could write in shell

    for file in ` ls $LIBDIR | grep -v prop.xx `
    echo Found Cell $file
    Guenther Sohler, Aug 3, 2007
  5. tech11

    tech11 Guest

    It's difficult to find the absolute path of the library, since some
    libraries is included such as:
    INCLUDE ...../cds.lib

    If user give one library name, the script find all the cell inside directly
    and deal with them, that's my request.

    Thanks for your help!
    tech11, Aug 3, 2007
  6. the tool

    cdsLibDebug might be your friend, if you parse its output :)
    Guenther Sohler, Aug 3, 2007
  7. tech11

    Justin Guest

    Keep in mind that the above will only work for CDBA database as the
    prop.xx file goes away in OA. If you need this info in OA, you could
    use the python API and access the database directly. This also
    accounts for the cds.lib issue as the you can use Cadence's look up
    Justin, Aug 5, 2007
  8. You could use dbAccess to launch the SKILL file which Guenther gave earlier,
    which can then print out the contents of the library. dbAccess will read the the
    cds.lib file, and then the SKILL code will be able to access the library.

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 8, 2007
  9. tech11

    tech11 Guest


    Thanks for your answer!

    I wanna write one shell script to deal with the cells in some library, not
    do it in skill code. Either It's good to get the library's path through the
    library name.


    tech11, Aug 10, 2007
  10. tech11

    John Gianni Guest

    I like that cdsLibDebug suggestion if for no other reason than not a
    lot of folks know that they would benefit by running cdsLibDebug every
    time they start up Virtuoso in a new or unfamiliar design hierarchy.

    As always, so all benefit, here is a cut-and-paste example of using
    cdsLibDebug on a cds.lib hierarchy (one that includes other files and
    handles a full chip of analog, memory, mixed-signal, and digital

    The example is from a half-dozen years ago when we designed and built
    the first wholly-EDA-delivered complete chip, generic process design
    kit, and documented POR reference flow ... nicknamed "Eaglet".

    John Gianni
    Nothing stated here is prior reviewed nor sanctioned by anyone!

    A quick example using cdsLibDebug on the UNIX commane line to parse
    By John Gianni, 4/15/2002
    1. Obtain the help for the cdsLibDebug parsing command:

    % cdsLibDebug -h
    /cds_root/tools/bin/32bit/cdsLibDebug [-cdslib cdslib] [-cla] [-
    -cdslib cdslib: override default searching for cds.lib
    -cla: use CLA semantics
    -help: this message
    2. Test a reasonably complex chip hierarchy containing some include

    % cd /eaglet/design

    This Eaglet garage-door-opener design was used because it contained
    a reasonably complex cds.lib containing include files and analog
    blocks (e.g., the op amp), mixed-signal blocks (e.g., the PLL and
    the ADC), memory blocks (e.g., the RAMs & ROM), RF blocks (e.g.,
    the LNA &, Mixer), digital blocks (e.g., the FFT DSP, DMA, &
    and a full set of ESD I/O pads for the analog, rf, & digital
    3. Run the cdsLibDebug parsing command in "cla" mode on the default

    % cdsLibDebug -cla
    Parsing cdslib file ./cds.lib.

    cds.lib files:
    1: /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib
    2: /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include
    included on line 3 of /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib
    3: /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.pll
    included on line 12 of /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    4: /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.assura
    included on line 13 of /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    5: /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.fullchip
    included on line 14 of /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    6: /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.rfblock
    included on line 15 of /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    7: /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.adcblock
    included on line 16 of /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    8: /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.memory
    included on line 17 of /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/

    Libraries defined:

    Defined in /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include:
    Line # Filesys Path
    ------ ---- ----
    6 gpdk /eaglet/share/lib/gpdk_db/gpdk
    7 diglib /eaglet/share/lib/diglib
    8 connectLib /eaglet/share/lib/connect_lib/connectLib

    Defined in /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.pll:
    Line # Filesys Path
    ------ ---- ----
    1 amsPLL /eaglet/design/dfiidata/amsPLL

    Defined in /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    Line # Filesys Path
    ------ ---- ----
    1 fullchip /eaglet/design/dfiidata/fullchip
    2 gsclib /eaglet/share/lib/gsclib_1.0/gsclib
    3 gsclib_IO /eaglet/share/lib/gsclib_IO/gsclib_IO
    4 final_tools /eaglet/design/dfiidata/final_tools

    Defined in /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    Line # Filesys Path
    ------ ---- ----
    4 opamp /eaglet/design/dfiidata/opamp
    5 rficLib /eaglet/design/dfiidata/rficLib
    6 rfLib /cds_root/tools/dfII/samples/artist/rfLib
    7 ahdlLib /cds_root/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib

    Defined in /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    Line # Filesys Path
    ------ ---- ----
    1 adc /eaglet/design/dfiidata/adc

    Defined in /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.memory:
    Line # Filesys Path
    ------ ---- ----
    1 GSPRAMtiles /eaglet/share/lib/GSPRAM/GSPRAMtiles
    2 GSPRAMsch /eaglet/share/lib/GSPRAM/GSPRAMsch
    3 memory /eaglet/design/dfiidata/memory

    Defined in /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include:
    Line # Filesys Path
    ------ ---- ----
    21 basic /cds_root/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/basic
    22 analogLib /cds_root/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/
    24 US_8ths /cds_root/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/sheets/
    26 cdsDefTechLib /cds_root/tools/dfII/etc/cdsDefTechLib
    Here is the cds.lib file which was parsed by cdsLibDebug for results

    % cat /eaglet/design/cds.lib
    -- File Created by John Gianni, January 2002
    INCLUDE ./cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include
    -- DEFINE gsclib /eaglet/share/lib/gsclib_1.0/gsclib
    -- DEFINE final_tools /eaglet/design/dfiidata/final_tools
    -- DEFINE fullchip /eaglet/design/dfiidata/fullchip
    -- DEFINE memory /eaglet/design/dfiidata/memory
    -- DEFINE gpdk /eaglet/share/lib/tsmcLib/gpdk
    Here is one include file which was called by cds.lib giving results

    % cat /eaglet/design/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include
    -- File Created by John Gianni, January 2002
    -- (Note: This file can be part of main cds.lib once PCR 428960 is
    -- PCR 428960 filed 02-15-2002 by Ray V. for comment preservation.
    -- Begin: Load eaglet rf/a/ms/d garage-door opener libraries
    DEFINE gpdk /eaglet/share/lib/gpdk_db/gpdk
    DEFINE diglib /eaglet/share/lib/diglib
    DEFINE connectLib /eaglet/share/lib/connect_lib/connectLib
    -- Begin: Load block and full-chip libraries, if they exist
    -- (Note, replace with "SOFTDEFINE" once that feature exists; PCR
    -- PCR 442127 filed 04-24-2002 by Kent L. for a SOFTDEFINE
    SOFTINCLUDE /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.pll
    SOFTINCLUDE /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.assura
    SOFTINCLUDE /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    SOFTINCLUDE /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    SOFTINCLUDE /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/
    SOFTINCLUDE /eaglet/design/custom/cds.lib.dir/cds.lib.include.memory
    -- Begin: Load COMMON libraries
    DEFINE basic ${CDSHOME}/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/basic
    DEFINE analogLib ${CDSHOME}/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/
    -- DEFINE sample ${CDSHOME}/tools/dfII/samples/cdslib/sample
    DEFINE US_8ths ${CDSHOME}/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/sheets/US_8ths
    John Gianni, Aug 15, 2007
  11. tech11

    tech11 Guest


    Thanks for your answer.
    It is a good way to get some library's path through cdsLibDebug's output .
    That's my aim.

    tech11, Aug 19, 2007
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