How to get coordinates from a caddrawing,??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ken666, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. ken666

    ken666 Guest

    Is it possible to get any coordinates from a cad-drawing? With coordinates, i mean xyz positions, lengths, heights, widths.

    For example, rectangle B, with positions: x=50, Y=100, Heigth=60, Width=70

    I am supposed to store these coordinates in an accessdatabase.

    So is there any type of extension from which i can retrieve these coordinates?

    Is it also possible to read out this data with
    ken666, Mar 16, 2005
  2. ken666

    Oberer Guest

    ken666, would you mind telling us a bit more about your project?

    what objects do you want the coords of?

    be aware that objects like lwpolys are going to have 2d coords while most other entities tend to have 3d coords

    "I am supposed to store these coordinates in an accessdatabase."
    do you have the code to write values to a table?

    "Is it also possible to read out this data with"
    "read out"meaning?
    Oberer, Mar 16, 2005
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