How to flat layout??

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by JL, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. JL

    JL Guest

    Hi all:
    I want to flat top cell
    and keep top labels(texts)
    What can i do, besides using the tools?

    i use calibre to flat layout
    but i don't know how to get text


    JL, Jan 3, 2006
  2. Your question is pretty unclear, but did you try using the flatten command in
    the Virtuoso Layout Editor?


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 3, 2006
  3. JL

    JL Guest

    Hi Andrew

    I have tried the way
    This method is too slow
    I want to use the procedure to fast flat
    Could you help me?


    JL, Jan 4, 2006
  4. I don't understand what you're asking (perhaps because of your English?). Why do
    you want to flatten the layout anyway? It would only be slow if you have a very
    large amount of data to be flattened, and usually there should not be a need to
    do that.


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 4, 2006
  5. The labels can get lost in different stages of the process

    Calbire requires a stream out to GDSII format and then
    processes GDSII.

    - Have you checked if your GDSII layout database still
    contains the label/text layer.
    You can do that in using a GDSII viewer like calibredrv or
    streaming back the data into Cadence DFII.

    If not, maybe the label/text layer is not defined in the stream out
    mapping table or your DFII library tech file.

    - Calibre itself needs a command rule file to process your
    GDSII layout database maybe the label/text layer is not mentioned in
    You have to check if your label/text layer is covered in there
    There must be a mapping, similar to that below

    LAYER myTextLayer 11

    But it would be very helpful if you could be more specific what your
    exactly trying to do and if you would describe your steps more detailed.


    PS: I'm a friend of short question leading exactly to the point,
    but your post is definitely not to understand.
    Bernd Fischer, Jan 4, 2006
  6. JL

    JL Guest

    Hi, All:

    Sorry for my poor English in previous post. Let me clear my question

    I like to flatten top cell and keep labels. But, I don't want to do
    this by GUI.
    Is there any way I can do this in batch mode? The GUI takes too much
    time for
    parsing and showing the whole stuff.
    Another question! When I'm using Calibre to flatten the layout, all
    disappeared. How can I recover the label and text?

    Any suggestion are welcome.

    Sincerely yours,
    JL, Jan 5, 2006
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