how to extract operating points from monte-carlo simulation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by filippdavid, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. filippdavid

    filippdavid Guest


    I'trying to find a way to save operating points data
    (gm,vth_distance ...) from a monte-carlo simulation using eldo.
    Right now I can extract different interesting parameters including the
    following file in the netlist:

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 all print_extract=all
    ..extract ac label=vout yval(vm(outn,outp), 1000)
    ..defwave onoise_q=onoise*onoise
    ..extract label=ionoise integ( W(onoise_q), 20,20000)
    ..extract ac label=snr 0.5*db(0.5*(extract(vout)**2)/extract(ionoise))
    ..extract dc label=current ISUB(XR1.PLUS)


    but i can't understand how to do the same with operating points.


    filippdavid, Aug 27, 2007
  2. does eldo support .extract op ?
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Aug 27, 2007
  3. filippdavid

    filippdavid Guest

    does eldo support .extract op ?
    not that i know... and i can't find it in the manual
    filippdavid, Aug 27, 2007
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