How to extract center of mass dimensions?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ben Eadie, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    If I have a part and then check the mass properties I get a 3D
    coordinate for the center of mass, how do I extract this info and move
    the part so that the center of mass is at the origin? Basically How do I
    extract the x,y,z info from the mass properties and input this into an
    equation or a design table to drive the move dimensions?

    I was looking at the CSWP exam examples and see that on one of the test
    parts it asks "the part origin should be at the parts center of mass" so
    how would you approach this? I would assume since it is a revolved part
    you only need to know the axis of rotation (given it is symmetrical) and
    then establish the center of mass height of the sketch to do this but...

    Ben Eadie, Dec 29, 2005
  2. Ben Eadie

    SWX-VAR-JP Guest

    The only way I have seen this accomplished, is to create and add a
    macro feature that reads the value then places it into a constant.
    Then you can use this constant in an equation.
    SWX-VAR-JP, Dec 29, 2005
  3. Ben Eadie

    That70sTick Guest

    I think you're digging too deep.

    If it's a revolved section, start with the centerline through the
    origin. Constrain your sketch such that the entire sketch can be moved
    up or down by a single dimension while the rest of the sketch keeps its
    size and shape. Make your revolve, check your C-G, then adjust the
    controlling dimension accordingly.
    That70sTick, Dec 30, 2005
  4. Ben Eadie

    cadishaq Guest

    How about the move/copy body by xyz coordinates?

    cadishaq, Dec 30, 2005
  5. Ben Eadie

    SWX-VAR-JP Guest

    One additional thought here, if you are dealing with a symetrical part,
    then why not just sketch the profile so the CG and the origin are
    already lined up?

    Just a thought.
    SWX-VAR-JP, Dec 30, 2005
  6. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    Great idea but....I dont know the C of G location so then how do I get
    the C of G from the sketch? Next is I add some extrusions to the top of
    the revolved part so the C of G changes.

    Ben Eadie, Dec 30, 2005
  7. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    This would work but... if the size of the object changes ie the height
    of the rotational element (which is part of the test) then the location
    of the C of G would be incorrect if not changed manually. I would like
    it to update automatically as the part is changed and put the parametics
    to use.

    I am sure I am reading in to this too much and from the testing grading
    form I have seen it is a non issue but I am personally curious on if and
    how this could be done.

    Ben Eadie, Dec 30, 2005
  8. Ben Eadie

    That70sTick Guest

    How many times are you going to do this through the course of a
    half-day test? Doesn't really seem macro-worthy to me.

    Another option is to crack open Machinery's Handbook and look at
    cross-section shape properties. It may help to be familiar with
    location of CG for common shapes.

    You could write a macro peature to perform this task. Personally, I am
    not a fan of macro features in their current state. The macro must
    exist outside of the part file. If tha macro could be embedded in the
    part file, that would be cool.
    That70sTick, Dec 30, 2005
  9. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    You have a good point on the macro but if you have a design table or a
    formula driven dimension then it is a part of the part and updates as an
    imbeded function

    Any how I know how to calculate the CG this is a non issue. However to
    get the cg from the cross section may not be an option as even though it
    is symetrical it may have varying cross sections, again you could
    calcutate this out but that is why I bought a computer, to have it
    calcutate these things for me.

    Ben Eadie, Dec 30, 2005
  10. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    I am not sure this is the way to go. As I have said in other posts you
    do not need a macro you can have a formula drive the dimension, you can
    also call up other features informtation to drive this dimenstion so
    what is the call for the x, y, z from the origin for the cg from the
    mass properties so I can drive a dimension this way? or use a design table?

    I am not sure where everyone thinks I need a macro came from? I do not
    want a macro I want a design table driven dimension or a formula driven

    All I want is the "$color" type call or 'd1@extrude1" type call that
    brings up the x,y,z dimensions for the cg that you see when you hit the
    mass properties button. I will do the rest.
    Ben Eadie, Dec 30, 2005
  11. Ben Eadie

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Ahoy Beny!

    What ye does is place a 3d sketch point down with said CG coordinates.
    Activate ye move/copy bodies tool. Place the bloomin triad on t'
    aformentioned 3d point. and enter the necissary xyz delta coordinates
    like a ture seadog would.

    Back to work Landlubbers!
    cadPIRATE, Dec 30, 2005
  12. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    arrrrggg. ye forgets that yer idea is riddled with 'oles. She be eh good
    one but she is not parametric, i.e. driven by a function on a rebuild...
    I do not want, ner care fer inputing data over and over as a part
    develops and changes in shape as the concept develops and changes each

    But ye be sure twas a exellent ideam just not the one i am lookin fer.

    Ben Eadie, Dec 30, 2005
  13. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    Ah nevermind. this seems to be beating a dead horse. I wanted to be able
    to have the c of g and the origin at the same point on a part. now as a
    part devlops it will change. I am unlike most, I guess, and I make
    changes to parts as I develop a assembly and rarely if ever get the part
    right the first try

    So that being said the c of g changes and I also do not want to each
    time this part changes (which can be multiple times) have to hit the
    rebuild, hit the mass properties button, have to write out the x,y,z
    coordinates, have to go back into the sketch and move the sketch to the
    cooridinates, or alternately have to go to the move body and change the
    move distances and then hit rebuild once again.

    Or redraw the sketch or change the model and have it, now hold on this
    is a hard one for people to grasp, pause and think about the next
    statement, automatically move the c of g and the origin to the same
    point, key word here is automatically. instead of the whole rigamorole
    of updateing, changing, getting info, writing it down, changing
    sketches, and rebuiilding again, bla bla bla

    therefore this c of g is in the cart that is behind the horse. I also
    will now get the usual argument from someone stating "I would never have
    to do that or need that info therefore, you must not need it either. why
    would someone ask such a silly question?" instead of picking up the
    gauntlet that has been tossed and trying to challenge it we will resort
    to silly blurbs that put one on the map to be heard, but as usual add
    very little to the solution.... Gahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I work on aircraft perdominately and c of g is of the upmost imprtance
    on parts assemblies etc etc. it helps to have things in balance, which
    is why I want a parts c of g and finally do calculations based on these
    c of g's to get approvals by the local transportation athorieties.

    I am tired of trying to explain and I am getting snarky and turning into
    a person I do not like ,an ass so I will give up on this. I encourage
    the rest of you to do the same. I appologize for snapping, no ignorance
    on your part just a apparently stupid question on my part.

    Ben Eadie, Dec 30, 2005
  14. Ben Eadie

    Sporkman Guest

    Ben, I can easily understand why you would like to have this function in
    a macro. I personally wouldn't need it often, but I have had some use
    for such as that once upon a time. Others may poo-poo the need, but I
    just don't think they "get it". I wish I had an answer for you. If you
    find one, please let us know about it.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Dec 30, 2005
  15. Ben Eadie

    cadishaq Guest


    Well kick me in the pants and call me Eleanor!

    'Tis some API black magic ye be needin

    cadishaq, Dec 31, 2005
  16. Ben Eadie

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Ahoy beny!

    Well kick me in the pants and call me Eleanor -

    "Tis some API black magic ye be needin...

    cadPIRATE, Dec 31, 2005
  17. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    Tanks for putting a smile back on me face.
    Ben Eadie, Dec 31, 2005
  18. Ben Eadie

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Aye beny. Life is but a smile on the face and terror in the heart...


    cadPIRATE, Jan 2, 2006
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