How to explode....

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bedexx, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. Bedexx

    Bedexx Guest

    minserted blocks??

    i got a drawning with minserted blocks, and it is giving me a hard time!!
    cause I need to use only the lines (ventilation duct trace) which are also
    inserted with minsert function.

    although it is not such a big file in size, my CAD gets very, VERY, slow
    during every operation with this DWG.

    what can I do to get it simplified?? and to explode minserted blocks?

    Bedexx, Jan 25, 2006
  2. You can start by deleting everything you don't need from the file and then
    PURGE the drawing.
    If the drawing is still really slow its likely that the problem is a large
    number of layer filters, which
    can be deleted.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jan 25, 2006
  3. Bedexx

    Paul Turvill Guest

    You can't explode minserted blocks. But you can insert a single instance of
    the same block, and explode that if it contains what you need.
    Paul Turvill, Jan 25, 2006
  4. Bedexx

    Bedexx Guest

    The problem is that this DWG I got from the architect, and it is consisted
    of a one single block, created by minsert function, in which are every
    elements of the building. So, that means that I can't explode just one piece
    and than use it.
    That part is quite simple to do. But this is the first time that I come up
    to minsered blocks.
    A guy at the tech. support for ACAD told me that, sometimes, minsert
    function is for securing the DWG in the way
    that you can something with it, but the problem is speed.
    For me this way of securing is funny because ther are DWF file to view and
    just print.

    I come up the LISP command which explodes minsert function but the problem
    is that it doesn't work with specific blocks, cause it searches for another
    DWG which is, probably, at the comp of the architect.

    Do you know what is the exact function of minsert? And when to use it?
    I know that for creation of it, the program generates a matrix at least in
    size of 2x2.... that means that every block is created minimum 4
    times!!!!!!!! WHY???? i mean, what' the use.... i don't see any reason for
    Bedexx, Jan 27, 2006
  5. Bedexx

    Jeff Guest

    Why not just insert the block at the same insertion point and erase the
    minsert, as Paul suggested....? The block defintion for the Minsert'ed block
    is identical to the Insert'ed one.....

    Jeff, Jan 28, 2006
  6. Bedexx

    SunnyB© Guest

    Our std office practice is to distribute minserted drawing files only.
    Our std "for approval only" block or "for construction" block
    are inserted on the original then the entire drawing is minserted
    before distribution.

    My understanding is that once minserted, the drawing is no
    longer editable other than to add to or erase it in it's entirety.
    If this is not correct, please explain how individual components
    of a minserted drawing can be exploded then edited.


    SunnyB©, Jan 28, 2006
  7. Bedexx

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Just like Paul said in his reply. You can simply insert another copy of
    the block and explode it.
    R.K. McSwain, Jan 28, 2006
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