How to enforce proper HLR of imported parts in drawings?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Walther Mathieu, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Hello,

    I don´t know if this has been an issue here before:

    is there a way to enforce correct HLR in drawings
    of assemblies containing imported parts (STEP, IGES)?

    Like threads some of the imported parts shine through
    anything else in magenta ... one can place a thread
    onto a layer and exclude it from display, but imports?

    Esp. when it comes to show imported parts in a BOM?

    Btw., I´m on a late V2001 (2005 - no WFx).


    Walther Mathieu, Mar 12, 2007
  2. Walther Mathieu

    David Janes Guest


    I don´t know if this has been an issue here before:

    is there a way to enforce correct HLR in drawings
    of assemblies containing imported parts (STEP, IGES)?

    Like threads some of the imported parts shine through
    anything else in magenta ... one can place a thread
    onto a layer and exclude it from display, but imports?

    Esp. when it comes to show imported parts in a BOM?

    Btw., I´m on a late V2001 (2005 - no WFx).

    Only way I know of is to import them as solids or solidify/thicken afterwards. There are HLR functions for threads, curves and solid pipe centers, but, AFAIK, none of these achieves what you're talking about. I've had similar problems with unmerged, unsolidified import geometry that I never found a better way to deal with than making a thin protrusion out of it (purple goes away).

    David Janes
    David Janes, Mar 12, 2007
  3. Hi David,

    thanks for your quick response!

    In the meantime, I found out how to avoid the worst behaviour
    (ugly purple lines not included in HLR) of the imported geometry.

    The trick is (if this is of interest to anyone):

    Views - Disp Mode - View Disp - (select/return) - no hidden - Qlt HLR.

    "Qlt HLR" apparently means "Quilt Hidden Line Removal".

    However, it does not cooperate with views containing sections. Sigh.

    Only some time ago I learned what a traditional "quilt" is (Wikipedia):
    some patchwork carpet artfully home-made during endless winter evenings,
    also useful in some ancient customs of bride-capture eventually ;-)

    Pro/E´s german menu translation gives no hint about that, it´s simply
    "include" or "exclude" and does not reveal what is actually meant.
    Again (obviously) neither the english menus nor the german translation
    were supplied by people with sufficient engineering knowledge.

    Too bad no one ever had the idea to let menu texts be user edited.

    Walther Mathieu, Mar 13, 2007
  4. Walther Mathieu

    Jeff Howard Guest

    If you are not yet aware of it; might look at
    dtl option show_quilts_in_total_xsecs (default = no).

    To show a quilt 'properly' in a section view
    you will also have to pick the appropriate option
    (in XSEC OPTS; i.e. Model & Qlts) WHEN THE XSEC IS
    CREATED. I don't think you can Redefine afterward.

    (No Hatch will be created for sectioned quilts, even
    closed shells.)

    Going back to ...
    .... I'm wondering if you are familiar with Import Feature
    Feature Properties and Join Surfs / Make Solid, etc.?
    Talking in terms of line color (purple, magenta, yellow,
    blue, whatever) might leave room for miscommunication.
    It probably doesn't matter a lot in context of this
    discussion (except for tangent edge visibility?) but
    I'm wondering if it's not possible / practical for you
    to create 'solid' objects from the imports rather than
    having to work with surfs / quilts.

    And ...
    .... leaves me lost. Are you working with a multi body
    part representation of an assembly?
    Jeff Howard, Mar 13, 2007
  5. Walther Mathieu

    David Janes Guest

    Hi David,

    thanks for your quick response!

    In the meantime, I found out how to avoid the worst behaviour
    (ugly purple lines not included in HLR) of the imported geometry.

    The trick is (if this is of interest to anyone):

    Views - Disp Mode - View Disp - (select/return) - no hidden - Qlt HLR.

    "Qlt HLR" apparently means "Quilt Hidden Line Removal".

    However, it does not cooperate with views containing sections. Sigh.

    Only some time ago I learned what a traditional "quilt" is (Wikipedia):
    some patchwork carpet artfully home-made during endless winter evenings,
    also useful in some ancient customs of bride-capture eventually ;-)

    Pro/E´s german menu translation gives no hint about that, it´s simply
    "include" or "exclude" and does not reveal what is actually meant.
    Again (obviously) neither the english menus nor the german translation
    were supplied by people with sufficient engineering knowledge.

    Too bad no one ever had the idea to let menu texts be user edited.


    Ahhh, Pro/e finally gets a Pro/WIKI module in place of the super lame, unhelpful "Help" files! Great idea, let's get it on the agenda of Pro/SUCKER (oops, I really meant Pro/SUER {SEWER? SEUER? REUSER? WERSE? RUKSEC? USERK? KREUSC?} something.) Anyway, Wiki forever! Let's get (it) down (on paper)! Right on (time)!

    David Janes
    David Janes, Mar 13, 2007
  6. Walther Mathieu

    David Janes Guest

    Hi David,

    thanks for your quick response!

    In the meantime, I found out how to avoid the worst behaviour
    (ugly purple lines not included in HLR) of the imported geometry.

    The trick is (if this is of interest to anyone):

    Views - Disp Mode - View Disp - (select/return) - no hidden - Qlt HLR.

    Yes, it is of interest. Thanks for the suggestion, however, anything that governs displays does not "stick" in the model and can not be saved, a small sticking point.

    "Qlt HLR" apparently means "Quilt Hidden Line Removal".

    However, it does not cooperate with views containing sections. Sigh.

    Only some time ago I learned what a traditional "quilt" is (Wikipedia):
    some patchwork carpet artfully home-made during endless winter evenings,
    also useful in some ancient customs of bride-capture eventually ;-)

    Oh, no, you are NOT suggesting that anything in the aristocratic, highly top-down structured, expert system of Pro/e be proletarianized, are you!?! LET THE MASSES CONTRIBUTE! It'll all go to hell in a handbasket, wait and sea.

    Pro/E´s german menu translation gives no hint about that, it´s simply
    "include" or "exclude" and does not reveal what is actually meant.
    Again (obviously) neither the english menus nor the german translation
    were supplied by people with sufficient engineering knowledge.

    "engineering knowledge" will be a big advantage when simple literacy may be at issue (you haven't noticed? stupid people rule the world)

    Too bad no one ever had the idea to let menu texts be user edited.

    Yes, too bad that programming is such an aristocratic profession that the users are just irritating vermin. (You can add system administrators and Pro/e "support" to that list of those from whom I've heard this user deprecating scheiss.)

    David Janes
    David Janes, Mar 26, 2007
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