How to edit an imported solid

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rocky, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. Rocky

    Pats Fan Guest

    well the time delay due to internet access to newsgroup is killing
    me. So I will try and recollect my reply.
    Gee I was bored one day and was messing around with my options and
    entered a posting name ... big deal. I am not hiding anything. You
    got my name easy enough. Do you think that everyone with a posting
    name is hiding something?
    Do I have only one tool in my toolbox? Are you sure of that? How could
    possibly know? Are all my tools encrypted into my post or did you
    secretely scan my workstations?
    Yes there is.. As an entrepenaur he probably decided to move on after
    making his money and handing the reigns over to Dassault.
    Deal with my football obsession??? Define obsession... Do I have an
    obsession because of my posting name? How you came to this conclusion
    is beyond me.
    an * doesn't bother me... want to know why.. oh wait a minute I am
    obsessed at the moment.
    I wouldn't want to tarnish the dolphins... I like them too... they
    were so jacked up on cocaine that they couldn't possibly have be
    Pats Fan, Dec 19, 2007
  2. Rocky

    Cliff Guest

    IIRC He's been caught red-handed trying exactly that too.
    Cliff, Dec 19, 2007
  3. Rocky

    jon_banquer Guest

    Just curious George why you don't want "Rocky" to see if the tools in
    KeyCreator or SpaceClaim, which are designed from the ground up to
    work with "dumb solids", could help him. Perhaps you should think of
    these tools like Bill Bel-A-Cheat thinks of using a camera. ;>) Does
    that help you understand why "Rocky" should seriously consider
    checking into these types of tools or are you too much of a SolidWorks
    loyalist to figure out why what I suggested may very well be an
    excellent idea that might help "Rocky" save sometime and get the job
    done better and faster.

    "Yes there is.. As an entrepenaur he probably decided to move on after
    making his money and handing the reigns over to Dassault. "

    No chance that Mike Payne thinks it is time to try a more advanced
    approach using direct geometry editing tools? Any chance that it isn't
    just all about the money to Mike Payne who probably has plenty of
    money already?

    "I wouldn't want to tarnish the dolphins... I like them too... they
    were so jacked up on cocaine that they couldn't possibly have be

    Do you have a link to a study that shows that using cocaine improves a
    football player's performance?

    I'm sorry I did not respond to you in the timely manner you wished. I
    did get your nastygram / e-mail.

    Hope you have a nice holiday,

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Dec 20, 2007
  4. Rocky

    brewertr Guest

    Monkey's Uncle
    brewertr, Dec 20, 2007
  5. Rocky

    Cliff Guest

    I want to see all the "direct dimensions" that control all those surfaces
    (via their knot or control points) being "edited" AND the faces rotated
    to *remove* those features from the selection list & expose the base
    parent surfaces via the kernel <VBG>.

    But it's a CAM programming issue in using GibbsCAM to begin with IIRC.
    That clueless really is a hoot !!!
    Cliff, Dec 20, 2007
  6. Rocky

    Bo Guest

    You guys cause me to pass on reading an otherwise potentially
    interesting post because I know I won't find good answers here. Ought
    to try an INSULT or SARCASM or SLAM group to post to.

    There are only so many hours in a life. Use em or lose em.
    Bo, Dec 20, 2007
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