How to edit an imported solid

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rocky, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. Rocky

    Rocky Guest

    When importing a solid such as parasolid, iges, or step the history
    that was used to make the part is no longer available. I have a
    situation with a mold cavity that I have imported that has over 800
    bosses protruding from the floor that I need to get rid of to make a
    model for machining. I assume that some sort of array command was used
    to make them originally and that would have been part of the feature
    history when it was made in SolidWorks and could just be deleted to
    get rid of all the bosses. I can import it into GibbsCAM and pick
    individual faces of each boss, separate them from the solid and then
    delete them one by one but it is very slow. How does one effect
    editing an imported solid like this in an efficient way when the
    feature history is missing?

    Rocky, Dec 16, 2007
  2. Rocky

    zxys Guest

    Without seeing it it's going to be a total shot in the dark... so,
    I'll simplify the answer (cuz it's probably more complicated?)
    But, the most likely answer for you to NOT concentrate on the 800
    Concentrate on the surfaces which the 800 bosses are connected too or,
    the main body or cavity where they attach.
    Copy (offset zero) those faces which will envelope the 800 (or
    whatever you can do) and untrim the holes which remain.. that is,
    click on the whole body, not each hole, to untrim.
    Then you have a surface boundary to cut away all or most of the bosses
    all at on time.

    zxys, Dec 16, 2007
  3. Rocky

    jon_banquer Guest

    There often is no good answer. This is an area where KeyCreator or
    SpaceClaim might offer a better solution. You might want to consider
    trying SpaceClaim (a free trial download is available) and seeing if
    it has to tools to make a job like this faster. I have not had the
    time to try it myself to see how good the tools are for working with
    non-native / dumb solids.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Dec 17, 2007
  4. Rocky

    ChamberPot Guest

    Of course dumass cant keep it on topic he has to find some way to change
    the subject. SW has tools to edit imported parts/. Tell us what they are
    , jon? What are the tools in SW that can edit impoirted parts?

    How about theses: move face, deform, flex, delete face, freeform.

    Dumass doesnt even know how to use these, not even his favorites, deform
    and flex. Oh, and multiple context./

    ChamberPot, Dec 17, 2007
  5. Rocky

    jon_banquer Guest

    There often is no good answer. This is an area where KeyCreator or
    You might want to view this video to see some of the tools that
    KeyCreator has for working with dumb solids that SolidWorks doesn't

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Dec 17, 2007
  6. Rocky

    ChamberPot Guest

    Yawn. You gotta get out more. SolidWorks can edit imported parts like
    that. Better go watch some more videos, asshole.

    ChamberPot, Dec 17, 2007
  7. Rocky

    jon_banquer Guest

    SolidWorks can edit imported parts like that.

    SolidWorks cannot edit dumb solids like KeyCreator can using direct
    dimension editing. In addition, KeyCreator can now rotate faces when
    using direct dimension editing.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Dec 17, 2007
  8. Rocky

    ChamberPot Guest

    SolidWorks can make all of the edits that KeyCreator made using direct
    editing tools. Whether it uses exactly the same steps to do it is
    immaterial. SW has been able to do this for years. Including the rorated

    Get a grip clueless. I mean on something other than your jonson.

    ChamberPot, Dec 17, 2007
  9. Rocky

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Cut extrude up to surface, and select the face the bosses are attached to?
    Dale Dunn, Dec 17, 2007
  10. Rocky

    Rocky Guest

    The floor is not planar. It is concave and has variable radii in all
    directions. The floor is comprised of numerous faces but not as
    numerous as the bosses. It is a mold cavity. The bosses all pinch off
    against the core side of mold. I don't need to make the cavity but
    instead need to make a nest to hold the finished molded part. Hence
    the reason I don't need the bosses. I just need the floor surface of
    the cavity. Apparently in SolidWorks it isn't a one click operation:-/

    Just a side note. The option of contacting the design engineer for
    said cavity is not possible. The company that had the mold designed
    outsourced it to China. That designer/engineer is unreachable and
    unaccountable. Seems to be the trend these days. We have to beat back
    the high cost of American engineers.
    Rocky, Dec 17, 2007
  11. Seems to be the trend these days.

    Pardon my saying so but, for the most part, this
    discussion is a testiment to the need for increased
    globalization. Paul (zxys) gave you the answer you
    should be trying to develop upon. You want the surfs
    all these bosses intersect sans boss interface trim
    boundaries. If you don't know which programs can
    efficiently handle the problem contract it out to
    someone in India.
    gluteous maximus equus, Dec 18, 2007
  12. Rocky

    jon_banquer Guest

    The floor is not planar. It is concave and has variable radii in all

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Dec 18, 2007
  13. Rocky

    Cliff Guest

    Like two-(or more)-faced-banquers?

    Why not learn to use SW or ANYTHING?
    I'd wager that the parent un-trimed surfaces are
    still there (even if in hiding) in whatever CAM system
    he's using.
    You don't know anything about any of this, eh?
    Cliff, Dec 18, 2007
  14. Rocky

    Cliff Guest

    The answer is an ad, right? For something else you have
    no clues about, don't have & cannot use.

    " ... Jon is not affiliated with HSMWorks ApS in any way and that we cannot
    control .. "
    "Anybody can get evaluation licenses of HSMWorks and test it themselves."
    Cliff, Dec 18, 2007
  15. Rocky

    Pats Fan Guest


    I have been lurking in here for years and I always ignore any and all
    threads that you jump into.

    Here is a thought... This is a Solidworks newsgroup... for people that
    use solidworks on a daily basis. It is a tool that they and their
    employers have invested in. These users come here for advice so they
    can get their job done.

    In this particular thread Rocky was searching for a way to get his job
    done with the tools that he already has. He got an excellent response
    from zxys. Something I quickly tried and actually learned something
    new about surfaces and untrim. You on the other hand told Rocky to go
    out and try and use some other software..

    What the hell kind of advice is that? Do you actually think that that
    is the solution to the obstacle and that your advice will help Rocky
    get his job done ... today?

    None of your posts actually help anyone. In fact they bring out those
    who dispize you and then the thread gets hijacked into a slam fest.
    How is this productive? If you do not have any good advice on how to
    tackle the problem with the tools tht are available in Solidworks ...
    then DON'T JUMP IN. We do not learn anything from you...EVER.

    Happy Holidays and Thankyou to all of the contributors in this
    Newsgroup who have actually ADD useful information, tips and tricks.
    Even if they fall into the category of "work arounds" at least I can
    honestly say that I have gained some insight from these contributors
    and have been able to get my jobs' done.
    Pats Fan, Dec 18, 2007
  16. Rocky

    jon_banquer Guest

    I can see why you changed from posting as George Reilly to "Pats Fan".
    When you're as dumb as you are and somehow think you speak for
    everyone, changing your posting name to "Pats Fan" turns out to be a
    very good move.

    When you have one hammer in your toolbox everything looks like a

    There is a reason the co-founder of SolidWorks started SpaceClaim.

    There is a reason that the tools in KeyCreator have advantages over
    SolidWorks. I'm sure the same can be said for SpaceClaim's tool set.

    "Rocky" can try both products for free to see if he can get the job
    done with better tools than what exist in SolidWorks for working with
    non-native solid data.

    Now lets deal with your football obsession, George. In regards to the
    cheating that Bill Belichick and the Patriots did they should have an
    asterisk placed after their record if they go undefeated so as not to
    tarnish what Don Shula and the Miami Dolphins did without cheating.

    No reply or a thank you need, George. Just take your only tool (a
    hammer) and hit yourself in the head. Since it's filled with rocks I
    doubt you will cause any damage. Swing hard!

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Dec 19, 2007
  17. Rocky

    Cliff Guest

    How to start a fight

    I rear-ended a car this morning.

    So there we are alongside the road and slowly the driver get out of the car and
    you know how when you get so stressed and life stuff seems to get funny?

    Yeah, well, I could NOT believe it ... he was a DWARF! He storms over to my car,
    looks up at me and says, "I AM NOT HAPPY!"

    So, I look down at him and say, "OK... well, which one are you then?"

    .... and that's when the fight started .......
    Cliff, Dec 19, 2007
  18. Rocky

    Krister_L Guest's easy to be cocky when You're twice as big....just hope he
    beat the shit out of You

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Dec 19, 2007
  19. Rocky

    Pats Fan Guest

    Jon - I "Replied to author" instead of just selecting "Reply" so it
    looks like it went to your yahoo email address... feel free to post
    my reply for everyone to see.

    ~George Reilly* - and yes (I am a New England Patriots Fan)
    Pats Fan, Dec 19, 2007
  20. Rocky

    mich Guest

    Variations of that stupid "story" have been floating around for quite a
    mich, Dec 19, 2007
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