How to do version control in backend design?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Harryzhu, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. Harryzhu

    Harryzhu Guest

    How do you control the different version of backend design? Before cadence
    use TDM and now don't support it and refer to the third party software named
    as versionsync or designsync, but the charge is high. How should we manage
    the different version of layout or other things? Since those data is biger
    and I think CVS or such aliked software is not so proper, do you have better
    advice? Thanks for your help!
    Harryzhu, Feb 23, 2005
  2. Bernd Fischer, Feb 23, 2005
  3. Actually VersionSync is provided by Cadence (but developed by a third party,
    MatrixOne (formerly Synchronicity)) and is free. However, it's a low end
    version control system - not very full featured. That said, a lot of customers
    use it successfully.

    There are two other third party offerings as well as DesignSync. One is
    ClioSoft's SOS, and the other is from IC Manage - which is based on Perforce.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 23, 2005
  4. Harryzhu

    m.deng Guest

    In what term is VersionSync free? I don't see it's free from MatrixOne
    and I don't see its link in Cadence web site(not logged into source link).

    m.deng, Feb 23, 2005
  5. Harryzhu

    Harryzhu Guest

    I notice versionsync integrated in IC50, but I don't know if it need
    additional licenses, and that versionsync is proper for several person's
    I visit Perforce's webpage, and find it need licenses, but I have no more
    budget and don't know if it is my need. Is there any other free project?
    Thanks for your help!

    Best Regards,

    Harryzhu, Feb 24, 2005
  6. Harryzhu

    G Vandevalk Guest

    VersionSync has been around for a while.
    (it was in 4.4.3 and up ...)

    It is somewhat tricky to find the documentation and the
    limitations are a bit clunky ... but it does work!

    ( I recall the biggest trick is to copy some candence control file
    into your library and/or your directory with your libraries.

    You then uncommented one line that defined your version control to be .vs

    and you have VersionSync. I recall that it was nearly impossilbe to use
    the supplied documentation. Then I was involved in trialing DesignSync DFII
    and all of a sudden the sparse documentation was much more obvious to me.

    ( The DesignSync DFII documentation goes over lots of choices and problems.
    The VersionSync has a lot of places where these chioces are removed but the
    consequences and/or restrictions are not obvious, you are just assumed to

    I recall that the biggest restriction was that versionSync could only
    "version" cells,
    where designSync could version views ....


    --- Gerry

    Rant on ..
    All of the "binary" layout version control systems seem to impose
    about a minimum of 3x data inflation for version control (i.e. 3 times as
    much disk) and with a loose checkOut/Checkin Policy, this can grow to
    be very expensive in disk. (i.e. if you check in every 1/2 hr and never
    meaningless interations, soon you end up with many many times disk
    requirements) Users need to be educated on how to keep important changes
    Rant off ...

    Looks like perforce (re )
    may do it right ..

    G Vandevalk, Feb 24, 2005
  7. Well, it's installed automatically whenever any DFII component is installed.
    It doesn't check for any license features, so no special license is needed.

    Documentation can be found in cdsdoc, or for the cdsdoc-challenged, you
    can go to:


    Simplest way to get up and running in 30 seconds is to create a file
    in your working directory called "cdsinfo.tag" with a line in it:

    DMTYPE vs

    Then you'll be able to create VersionSync managed libraries, checkin, checkout
    etc from the library manager. But I'd read the docs too.

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 24, 2005
  8. See my post in another subthread. It doesn't need additional licenses.
    Andrew Beckett, Feb 24, 2005
  9. It was first introduced as an add on kit, but since IC446 it has been part of
    the normal software installation.
    Either use "vssetvault" or create a cdsinfo.tag in working dir containing
    DMTYPE vs
    Not sure why it would be impossible to use, given that it is very simple. Yes,
    it's very limited - you don't really have any configuration management (except
    being able to tag a load of versions), and its update performance is not great
    when users work in separate (isolated) workareas and have large managed
    databases (mainly because of the lack of meta data telling you what you have
    in your workarea), but it's sufficient for many customers.
    That's not true. VersionSync does _not_ version cells, but versions cellViews
    and files. cells are not single (or comanaged) objects in DFII, so managing
    cells wouldn't make much sense.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 24, 2005
  10. Harryzhu

    G Vandevalk Guest

    Andrews comments strike true. (My knowledge is a little dated)

    One main problem I had was that 3rd party add on's that created views
    outside of dfII would give the versionSync control stuff a major problem.

    We would end up with these views & cells in unusable states.
    ( I recall it was an external parasitic L extraction tool )


    - - Gerry

    P.S. Andrew is the authority here, I just comment from the sidelines

    G Vandevalk, Feb 24, 2005
  11. Ah, that would probably be a problem with any DM tool. If the third party tool
    creates "views" in the library, but doesn't register them properly with the
    data registry, and consequently GDM doesn't know what the co-managed sets are.
    Thanks for the vote of confidence!
    Andrew Beckett, Feb 24, 2005
  12. Harryzhu

    Harryzhu Guest

    I ever use TDM for data management, but it's difficult to use and have many
    work to maintain the system until to try to know versionsync or designsync.
    I think the design management is a common questions in small or great design
    house, I wonder how to deal with it in big firm? Who can give some info?
    Thanks for your help!

    Best Regards,

    Harryzhu, Feb 25, 2005
  13. All powerful DM systems will take some work to set up and manage so that
    they work well. Some of the benefits of the third party DM systems is that
    they can be got up and running quickly - but they tend to need quite a bit
    of configuration to get to work with the exact use model you want - especially
    with multi-site.

    I'd say most big firms use one of the commercial DM systems (DesignSync,
    ClioSoft SOS or IC Manage - with that order of market share). A couple have
    rolled their own, but that's definitely a big investment in terms of

    VersionSync is also very quick to set up and use, but it is much more limited
    than the commercial offerings.


    (Note, everything posted here is my own personal opinion, and not a
    recommendation to use any particular DM system).
    Andrew Beckett, Feb 25, 2005
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