how to display all available fonts ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BTO, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. BTO

    BTO Guest


    how to display all available fonts ?
    It's ok for TTF, but how to do that for SHX without :

    (setq path_autocad (vla-get-Path (vlax-get-acad-object)))
    (setq path_autocad_font (strcat path_autocad "\\Fonts\\"))
    (vl-directory-files path_autocad_font "*.shx" 1)

    note : this is not correct if \\Fonts\\ is not fonts folder.

    I want to display all available fonts like command : STYLE

    in all examples, font's path and font's name are hardcoded.

    Bruno Toniutti
    (sorry for my english level but i will understand you)
    BTO, Feb 8, 2005
  2. BTO

    ECCAD Guest

    ;;List fonts (*.shx)
    (defun strParse (Str Delimiter / SearchStr StringLen return n char)
    (setq SearchStr Str)
    (setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
    (setq return '())
    (while (> StringLen 0)
    (setq n 1)
    (setq char (substr SearchStr 1 1))
    (while (and (/= char Delimiter) (/= char ""))
    (setq n (1+ n))
    (setq char (substr SearchStr n 1))
    ); end while
    (setq return (cons (substr SearchStr 1 (1- n)) return))
    (setq SearchStr (substr SearchStr (1+ n) StringLen))
    (setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
    ); end while
    (reverse return)
    ); end defun

    ;; get acad env - support files list
    (setq flist (list))
    (setq lst (mapcar 'strcase (strParse (getenv "ACAD") ";")))
    (foreach path lst
    (setq fonts nil)
    (setq fonts (list (vl-directory-files path "*.shx" 1)))
    (if fonts
    (foreach font fonts
    (if font
    (if (not (member font flist))
    (setq flist (append font flist))
    (setq font nil)
    (princ flist)

    ECCAD, Feb 8, 2005
  3. BTO

    BTO Guest

    thank you Bob,

    I hoped that it would not be necessary to do that...

    It's also necessary to control files to know if it's a font or a compiled
    (read first line should be enought)

    it's so simple for ttf ...

    (setq obj_wsh (vlax-create-object "WScript.Shell"))
    (setq obj_specialfolders (vlax-get obj_wsh 'SpecialFolders))
    (setq path_folder_system_font (vlax-invoke obj_specialfolders 'Item
    (setq files_ttf (vl-directory-files path_folder_system_font "*.ttf" 1)))
    (vlax-release-object obj_wsh )
    (vlax-release-object obj_specialfolders )

    Bruno Toniutti
    BTO, Feb 9, 2005
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