How to determine Hidden Viewport

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by danbush, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. danbush

    danbush Guest


    I've searched the board and found no good answer to the following question: "How do you determine which Paperspace viewport is the hidden one associated with the layout itself?"

    I can get all of the paperspace viewports using a selectionset and generally, the hidden ones are always on layer 0 and have vastly different coordinates than the other viewports...

    I don't see anything in the viewport's extended data that distinguishs the hidden vport from a normal one.

    these are not probably good things to bank on always ( a user can put viewports on any layer, including 0 )...

    I also don't like using a vb for-each loop due to the overhead of looping through EVERY object in paperspace - lots of objects in big drawings = slow loops ]

    any ideas?
    danbush, Aug 20, 2004
  2. danbush

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Like this.....Yes I use a For Each loop, but the Layout PS Viewport will
    ALWAYS be the first one found so I can Exit the loop once it is retrieved.

    Function get_PS_vport() As Variant
    Dim ent As AcadEntity
    Dim oTab As AcadLayout
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim arrVP() As AcadPViewport
    ReDim arrVP(0 To 500)

    For Each oTab In ThisDrawing.Layouts
    For Each ent In oTab.Block
    If TypeOf ent Is AcadPViewport Then
    Set arrVP(i) = ent
    i = i + 1
    Exit For
    End If
    Next ent
    Next oTab
    ReDim Preserve arrVP(0 To i - 1)
    get_PS_vport = arrVP
    End Function

    Sub test()
    Dim test1
    test1 = get_PS_vport
    End Sub

    check out
    question: "How do you determine which Paperspace viewport is the hidden one
    associated with the layout itself?"
    generally, the hidden ones are always on layer 0 and have vastly different
    coordinates than the other viewports...
    hidden vport from a normal one.
    viewports on any layer, including 0 )...
    through EVERY object in paperspace - lots of objects in big drawings = slow
    loops ]
    Jeff Mishler, Aug 20, 2004
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