How to create overlapping dialog

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Adesu, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. Adesu

    Adesu Guest

    Can anybody help to me,how to create overlapping dialog,I mean like
    "Options" dialog box,in the box dialog there are "Files","Display",Open and
    Save","Plotter","System".......etc.(cad 2000).
    I have 2 program dcl for dialog box,but I don't know how to do it.thanks for
    your kind
    Best regards
    Ade Suharna
    Here dialog program;
    InchBolt : dialog {
    label = "INCH BOLT SELECTION";
    height = 15;
    width = 25;
    : column {
    label = "Chooice of Type";
    : row {
    : popup_list {
    label = "Inch Type";
    key = "inctyp";
    alignment = centered;
    edit_width = 12;
    fixed_height = 25;
    fixed_width = 3;
    height = 25;
    value = 1;
    list = "\n3/4-10 UNC" "\n1-10 UNC";}}}
    spacer ;
    : row {
    label = "User Definitive";
    : row {
    : edit_box {
    label = "Length of Bolt (inch)";
    key = " len";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 12;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 3;
    height = 1;
    value = 50;}}}
    : column {
    : button {
    label = "Click location for Object";
    key = "loc";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 5;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 5;
    height = 1;}}
    spacer ;
    spacer ;
    : text_part {label = "Design by Adesu ";}
    : text_part {label = "Tangerang 6 July 2004";}
    MetricBolt : dialog {
    height = 15;
    width = 25;
    : column {
    label = "Chooice of Type";
    : row {
    : popup_list {
    label = "Metric Type";
    key = "metyp";
    alignment = centered;
    edit_width = 12;
    fixed_height = 25;
    fixed_width = 3;
    height = 25;
    value = 5;
    list = "\nM1.6x0.35" "\nM2x0.4" "\nM2.5x0.45"
    "\nM3x0.5" "\nM3.5x0.6" "\nM4x0.7"
    "\nM5x0.8" "\nM6x1" "\nM8x1.25"
    "\nM10x1.5" "\nM12x1.75" "\nM14x2"
    "\nM16x2" "\nM20x2.5" "\nM24x3"
    "\nM30x3.5" "\nM36x4" "\nM42x4.5"
    "\nM48x5" "\nM56x5.5" "\nM64x6"
    "\nM72x6" "\nM80x6" "\nM90x6"
    spacer ;
    : row {
    label = "User Definitive";
    : row {
    : edit_box {
    label = "Length of Bolt (mm)";
    key = " len";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 12;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 3;
    height = 1;
    value = 50;}}}
    : column {
    : button {
    label = "Click location for Object";
    key = "loc";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 5;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 5;
    height = 1;}}
    spacer ;
    spacer ;
    : text_part {label = "Design by Adesu ";}
    : text_part {label = "Tangerang 6 July 2004";}
    Adesu, Jul 7, 2004
  2. Adesu

    dblaha Guest

    Using tabs in a dialog like this is not possible with AutoCAD's DCL syntax. But if you're willing to purchase a third-party solution, ObjectDCL may be what you're looking for. I've never worked with it personally, but I know it supports the use of tabs, among many other things.
    dblaha, Jul 7, 2004
  3. Adesu

    zeha Guest


    Why tabs,

    In case of bolt or metric use one form with two buttons or radio button with the choice between Metric and Inch

    If choice is metric fill the list with the metric otherwise fill the list with inch

    or you can disable the inch or the metric with (mode_tile .. 1)

    good luck
    zeha, Jul 8, 2004
  4. Adesu

    Adesu Guest

    I would like create two or more tabs,as sample tabs for
    gear,bearing,bolt,air cylinder and etc,last post as sample for create only
    two dialog,next plan I would change with other name,but difficult how to
    become overlapping it.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????> Adesu,
    with the choice between Metric and Inch
    Adesu, Jul 8, 2004
  5. Adesu

    zeha Guest

    so far as i now it not possible create tabs with DCL

    anybody else?

    it is possible open a new dialog while the first is open
    it looks something like this

    (setq whatnext 6)
    (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "adesu.dcl")
    (while (> whatnext 5)
    (new_dialog "uz" dcl_id) some stuff

    (action_tile "Yourtile" "(newdialog")) here a call to open a new dialog

    (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")
    (setq what_next (start_dialog))
    );end while

    zeha, Jul 8, 2004
  6. Adesu

    GaryDF Guest

    I know this is a poor example...but years ago I added slide buttons to illustrate
    different dialog boxes with my routine.

    Note the eight buttons at the bottom....they change color, depending on which
    dialog is opened.

    See "Dialog Box" at autodesk.autocad.customer-files

    GaryDF, Jul 8, 2004
  7. Adesu

    Adesu Guest

    "Using tabs in a dialog like this is not possible with AutoCAD's DCL syntax
    " dblaha say.
    "so far as i now it not possible create tabs with DCL" zeha say.
    Hi dblaha and zeha,yours argument I accept it,how if I create dialog box in
    below,I would open second or third dialog box from "MAIN CATALOG SELECTION"
    dialog , is it possible to do it ?

    MainCatalog : dialog {
    height = 15;
    width = 25;
    : column {
    : row {
    : radio_button {
    label = "BOLT";
    key = "bol";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 5;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 5;
    height = 1;}
    : radio_button {
    label = "BEARING";
    key = "bea";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 5;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 5;
    height = 1;}}}
    : column {
    : row {
    : radio_button {
    label = "GEAR";
    key = "gea";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 5;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 5;
    height = 1;}
    : radio_button {
    label = "Pneumatic";
    key = "pne";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 5;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 5;
    height = 1;}}}
    : column {
    : row {
    : radio_button {
    label = "Bushing";
    key = "bus";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 5;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 5;
    height = 1;}
    : radio_button {
    label = "Nozlle";
    key = "noz";
    alignment = right;
    edit_width = 5;
    fixed_height = true;
    fixed_width = 5;
    height = 1;}}}
    spacer ;
    spacer ;
    : text_part {label = "Design by Adesu ";}
    : text_part {label = "Tangerang 6 July 2004";}
    Adesu, Jul 9, 2004
  8. Adesu

    zeha Guest

    Post also your lisp code

    that's where it's at

    zeha, Jul 9, 2004
  9. Adesu

    cwanless Guest

    Hi ObjectDCL does provide tabs in dialog boxes just as you are asking.

    If you are creating a professional program, ObjectDCL is highly recommended as it can do many things that DCL and VBA can't.

    Thanks Chad Wanless
    cwanless, Jul 9, 2004
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