How to create and modify layout instances with SKILL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Saul, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. Saul

    Saul Guest


    I am trying to automate some things in my IC layout and now I need to
    import layout cells from a library and modify their parameters using
    SKILL. I am just starting with SKILL, so I will appreciate a lot if
    some one can help me, in particular with a piece of code as example.

    So far, I was able to create a new layout cell view and import the
    cells that I want to use. I used the following code to import two NMOS
    transistors in my new cell view:

    cv = dbOpenCellViewByType("test" "alfa" "layout" "maskLayout" "w")

    instance1 = dbOpenCellViewByType("tsmc18rf" "nmos2v" "layout"
    "maskLayout" "r")
    cd1 = dbCreateInst(cv instance1 "M1" list(100 50) "R0")

    instance2 = dbOpenCellViewByType("tsmc18rf" "rfnmos2v" "layout"
    "maskLayout" "r")
    cd2 = dbCreateInst(cv instance2 "M2" list(100 100) "R0")

    instance1 has parameters: l,w,total_width, Number of Fingers
    instance 2 has parameters: Width_per_Finger, Length_per_Finger,
    Number_of_Fingers, Create_Dummny_Poly, Create_Guard_Ring.

    I would want to modify each of this parameters for these instances
    using SKILL code. Any ideas?
    Saul, Nov 8, 2007
  2. Saul

    Saul Guest

    I solved my problem. If anyone faces the same issue, this is my

    Create a clan layout cell, and insert the instance that you are
    interested in automating. Then select Tools->Pcell, a new menu called
    'Pcell' will be avaliable. Then just open Pcell->Compile->To Skill

    Then you have all the skill code that is needed to create the instance
    including the initialization parameters. It could have be taken a lot
    of time to arrive to that code myself. Hope it is usefull to others.

    Saul, Nov 8, 2007
  3. Saul

    vlsidesign Guest

    Thanks for post.
    vlsidesign, Nov 8, 2007
  4. Do watch out a bit though. The code you get from the graphical pcell editor is
    not that optimal, and not necessarily a good example to base well written SKILL
    code from. It's a useful source of hints though, I guess.

    You might want to attend a SKILL class though - all of this is covered there.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 15, 2007
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