How to create an arbitrary wave function as the input stimulus?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by wjcndyd, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. wjcndyd

    wjcndyd Guest

    Hello, usually when we run a Spectre simulation, we could use the
    standard stimulus such as Vsin, Vpulse etc from the analogLib. What if
    I need an arbitrary wave function as the stimulus, for example,
    exponentially increased sine wave? I guess this can be done thru CDF.
    Is there an easier way? Or are there any 3rd party component lib
    available? Thank you for your input!
    wjcndyd, Mar 16, 2005
  2. What do you mean by exponential increased sine wave? What is increasing
    exponentially: Amplitude, phase, frequency, something else?

    You might want to look at PSS (Periodic Steady State) if your circuit has
    non-linear elements in feedback path.
    I implemented a sinusoidal source with exponentially increasing frequency in
    VHDL-AMS. I guess you can do the same for Verilog-A in spectre.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 16, 2005
  3. wjcndyd

    S. Badel Guest

    Yu can make a Verilog-A model, or use existing ones.
    some libs are shipped with, amopngst which functional and ahdlLib,
    which have a number of verilog-A models for free.
    these are located in the standard cdslib directory, or in
    i.e. you can use one exp.source and one sine source and use
    a multiplier to produce what you want.

    S. Badel, Mar 16, 2005
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