How to create a library ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bedoune, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. bedoune

    bedoune Guest


    I would like to create a library by skill.

    So i use dbCreateLib.

    But i can not put any cells inside, because this lib does not refer to
    my tech file !

    So, i would like to know, by skill, how to create a library which can
    refer to my technology file ?

    could someone helps me ?

    Thanks and regards,

    bedoune, Feb 21, 2008
  2. bedoune

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Bedo,

    1. Try this piece of skill (put it in your own

    (defun rkCreateLib (libName libPath techFile)
    let( (libId)
    (ddCreateLib libName libPath) ; Create the library
    (setq libId (ddGetObj libName)); Get the Lib ID
    (techBindTechFile libId techFile) ; Attach to the tech file to the
    ); let
    ); rkCreateLib

    2. then load it into your CIW session :
    (load "yourPath/")

    3. Then give it a try ...
    (rkCreateLib "myLib" "/tmp/cds/myLib" "myAsciiTechFile")


    Riad KACED, Feb 21, 2008
  3. bedoune

    bedoune Guest


    thanks a lot for your answers ^^
    It works now.

    thanks and regards,

    bedoune, Feb 22, 2008
  4. bedoune

    cadence Guest

    hi Riad, when creating libries with SKILL the ddCreateLib function
    a line in your cds.lib file. And if you delete the library later
    it will comment the line out of your cds.lib and add a comment line.
    so if you programmatically create and delete 100 libraries, your
    will keep growing and growing.

    Have you figured out how to avoid this?

    cadence, Mar 10, 2008
  5. bedoune

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Jim !!

    Y're right, these comments in the cds.lib can make this file
    unreadble ...
    These comments are added even when the Lib is deleted from the lib
    I think the unix shell env variable DD_DELETE_DEFINE can solve this
    If this variable set to YES, then the library entry in the cds.lib is
    removed altogether instead being #ed.
    I haven't use this feature for a while and I'm wondering if there is a
    better mechanism or any new skill function in IC6.X especially.

    What do you think ?
    I'm sure Andrew has something for this ;-)


    PS : Did you manage to find any Berbere restaurant down there in
    Munich ? I haven't tried anyone since our last time in Grenoble !
    Chances are very weak here in Scotland ;-)
    Riad KACED, Mar 10, 2008
  6. Riad KACED wrote, on 03/10/08 22:07:
    'fraid not. Sourcelink Solution 11117054 covers what Riad suggests, and it's
    really the best solution for now. It's the same in IC6.X as far as I know.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 10, 2008
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