How to create a 3D sketched Datum curve in WF2

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by mistros, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. mistros

    mistros Guest

    In 2001 you could choose to create "from projections" but I can't find
    that option anywhere. I want to sketch on 2 planes and have the
    composite curve created. It was very simple to do before so I must be
    overlooking something. Does this now have to be done in style?

    I am not all the way up to speed with WF2 and this was not covered in
    my intro to WF classes. Thanks for you advice.
    mistros, Dec 12, 2005
  2. mistros

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I want to sketch on 2 planes and have the
    Menu: Edit, Intersect.

    Pre-select at least one of the planar curves.
    Jeff Howard, Dec 12, 2005
  3. mistros

    mistros Guest


    Thank you, that is what I was looking for.

    Doesn't seam as nice, I guess it's just another thing to get used to.

    Take care,
    mistros, Dec 12, 2005
  4. mistros

    John Wade Guest

    If you want to make composites of multiple curves, it's the same, only
    to select more than 2 curves, you have to redefine, sorry "edit
    definition" the 2 initial references to add more.

    By 'not as nice' I suspect you mean 'sucks' in which case, yes, I
    agree. For real modelling, get a 2000x seat set up, and convert the
    models once you've done the work with a proper cad system.
    John Wade, Dec 12, 2005
  5. mistros

    Jeff Howard Guest

    If you want to make composites of
    Are we talking about Composite Curves (chaining) or Projection Intersections?
    Jeff Howard, Dec 12, 2005
  6. mistros

    mistros Guest

    "Are we talking about Composite Curves (chaining) or Projection

    Not chaining, I think it's called projected. I just need a 3d datum
    curve and in 2001 I could create that in a single feature. Insert-Datum
    Curve-Projected you would then select one datum plane draw the section,
    select another datum plane draw a section and the two sections would
    merge to form a 3d curve.

    The Intersect funtion does that same thing just another step or two.
    mistros, Dec 12, 2005
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