How to count the number of line in a file ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bedoune, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. bedoune

    bedoune Guest


    i'm trying to count the number of line of a text file, using skill.

    Actually, this text file is very messy. I'm looking for a particular
    string inside ... and i want to copy the full contents of the line
    which contents my string.

    so my idea is:
    1-count the number of line of my textfile
    2-reading line after line to find my string (by a loop )

    but step 1 in the most difficult for me :s

    May someone helps me please ?


    bedoune, Feb 18, 2008
  2. bedoune

    Andy Guest

    You may try this
    lineCnt = 0
    inPort = infile("fileName")
    while(gets(line inPort)!=nil
    lineCnt = lineCnt+1
    tokens = parseString(line)
    foreach(item tokens
    when(item == your_string
    printf("Finding %s in line %d\n" your_string lineCnt)
    Andy, Feb 18, 2008
  3. Andy wrote, on 02/18/08 13:50:
    Or you could use the regular expression functions (e.g. rexCompile, rexExecute,
    rexMatchp etc) in IC5141, Or the pcre functions (pcreCompile, pcreExecute,
    pcreMatchp etc which add a much more powerful regular expression capability
    in IC6.1).

    Note, this is for the bit where you're trying to find the line which
    contains a particular string. Counting the lines would be similar to the


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 18, 2008
  4. bedoune

    bedoune Guest

    Thank you for your answer.
    Indeed, i did a loop to count line by line.

    I thought a more efficient way existed, like "wc -l" in unix !!!

    but it's not the case ...

    Thanks and Regards,

    bedoune, Feb 19, 2008
  5. bedoune

    sc Guest

    You can use popen. There is an example in C but it's very simple to
    translate it to Skill.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    int main()
    char buf[128];
    FILE* f = _popen("wc -l test.txt", "rt");
    fgets(buf, 128, f);
    printf("%s\n", buf);
    return 0;

    The result will be in the first output line like this '4 test.txt'.
    There were 4 lines in test.txt.
    sc, Feb 19, 2008
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