how to copy a line to another layer in vba

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Vrijbuiter, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. Vrijbuiter

    Vrijbuiter Guest


    Can anyone tell me how I can copy a line from one layer to another
    layer with vba, not move but copy line.

    Thanks and with best regards,

    Alexander from the Netherlands
    Vrijbuiter, Jun 10, 2007
  2. Vrijbuiter

    Rodrigues Guest

    Public Function isAcadLine(obj As Object) As Boolean
    Dim line1 As AcadLine
    On Error GoTo fim
    Set line1 = obj
    isAcadLine = True
    Exit Function
    isAcadLine = False
    End Function

    sub copy_line
    dim obj as object
    dim line1 as AcadLine, line2 as Acadline

    for each obj in Thisdrawing.Modelspace
    if IsAcadLine(obj)=True then
    set line1=obj
    set line2=line1.copy
    line2.layer = "the name of the layer you want to place the
    end if
    next obj

    end sub

    the function tells you if it is a line or not.
    p.s. you can add conditions. this sub will only look for all lines,
    and place a copy on another layer.

    if they are AcadPolyLines, AcadLWPolyLines, you just have to change
    the variables to suit your needs.
    for example to PolyLines:

    Public Function isAcadPolyLine(obj As Object) As Boolean
    Dim line1 As AcadLWPolyLine
    On Error GoTo fim
    Set line1 = obj
    isisAcadPolyLine = True
    Exit Function
    isisAcadPolyLine = False
    End Function

    sub copy_line
    dim obj as object
    dim line1 as AcadLWPolyLine, line2 as AcadLWPolyLine

    for each obj in Thisdrawing.Modelspace
    if isAcadPolyLine(obj)=True then
    set line1=obj
    set line2=line1.copy
    line2.layer = "the name of the layer you want to place the
    end if
    next obj

    end sub
    Rodrigues, Jun 17, 2007
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