How to convert VHDL/ verilog code to layout?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by boki, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. boki

    boki Guest

    Hi, All:

    Could you please tell me or give me some hint to convert VHDL /
    Verilog code to layout.

    Thanks a lot!

    boki, Feb 2, 2004
  2. boki

    Ronald Guest

    You're asking a very basic question.
    The simple answer is "place and route".

    If your netlist is not gate netlist, synthesized it into gate netlist.
    Basic steps:
    1. make a floorplan for your design. Just make a simple one.
    2. place your standard library cells (represent the gates in the netlist).
    3. route the gates. Silicon Ensemble could address these three steps.
    4. get the result (DEF) into Opus layout or gds file (streamin into Opus layout).

    Ronald, Feb 3, 2004
  3. boki

    fogh Guest

    -the cadence product is called PKS. There is also stg called buildgates
    but I find it sound terrible.
    -the activity is called synthesis.

    All good books at the nearest grocery store. All good software at your
    closest butcher: cadence, mentor graphics, xilinx (in alphabetical order).

    Your questions is (... how to say it ...) off topic.

    So, you were you given all those expensive cadence licenses to play with
    while you don t know that... Please tell me who your employer is !
    fogh, Feb 3, 2004
  4. boki

    boki Guest

    I got it, thank you very much!


    boki, Feb 4, 2004
  5. A quick search shows the SAME question posted (separately) by BOKI to:

    This same pattern of posting the SAME posting SEPARATELY to multiple
    newsgroups is repeated, time and time again, by BOKI, e.g.: SUBJECT: Why Sigma-Delta modulator?
    sci.electronics.basics SUBJECT: Why Sigma-Delta modulator?

    The repeat questions to multiple groups seem to be cut and pasted.
    Mostly it's analog stuff (besides the personal stuff) that BOKI posts.
    Yet, even Calibre questions are posted to comp.cad.cadence:
    Again, both with the SAME subject line:
    SUBJECT: Calibre Error: Enviroment variable MGC_HOME is not set

    Many posts by BOKI are in an Asian font (I suspect Chinese), e.g.:
    Subject: 離台北火車站400公尺
    16F套 房出租

    Some posts by BOKI seem to trend somewhat like this one:
    From: boki ()
    Subject: need 1ns three input nand gate example
    Newsgroups: comp.lang.vhdl
    Date: 2003-03-02 10:39:01 PST

    Could you give me some example for these:
    (1) 1ns three input NAND gate
    (2) 1ns XOR
    I am new to VHDL.

    Message 2 in thread
    From: Theron Hicks (Terry) ()
    Subject: Re: need 1ns three input nand gate example
    Newsgroups: comp.lang.vhdl
    Date: 2003-03-02 19:05:05 PST

    Get a clue! DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!!!!! Who is the proffessor for
    your class? Can you give me his E-Mail? No!!
    Then no homework answers in this newsgroup!!

    Everything stated here is a matter of public record.
    Poly Diffusion, Feb 9, 2004
  6. boki

    gennari Guest

    Don't you have anything better to do with your time? If you don't like
    Boki's postings then just don't read them.

    gennari, Feb 9, 2004
  7. boki

    boki Guest

    So? What's the problem with you? Any question?
    I am not IC design student before, I learn it by myself, can't I?

    If any question, please Email me, or don't waste any public resource,
    thank you very much.

    boki, Feb 9, 2004
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