how to convert the english language to germany language in pro/e drawing

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by prasad, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. prasad

    prasad Guest


    This is prasad.i am working as a design engineer.Know i am
    converting the english language in drawing useing google language
    converter.But it is a long process.How to convert english language to
    germany language in pro/e.If anybody knows easy process kindly tell

    Thanks & Regards,

    prasad, Apr 27, 2007
  2. prasad

    takedown Guest

    Hi Prasad. I once had to do the opposite (English > German) for many
    drawings, and unfortunately I never found a simple button to push that
    would do it for me. The best I was able to accomplish is record a
    mapkey for the repetitive translations, e.g. title blocks.
    takedown, Apr 27, 2007
  3. prasad

    David Janes Guest


    This is prasad.i am working as a design engineer.Know i am
    converting the english language in drawing useing google language
    converter.But it is a long process.How to convert english language to
    germany language in pro/e.If anybody knows easy process kindly tell

    David Janes, Apr 27, 2007
  4. prasad

    KL Guest

    David Janes napsal(a):
    Hi Prasad,

    the best way is Modelcheck - all strings are there visible and you can
    control it all on place - interactively or in batch mode, if there are
    standard text strings.
    First step: Modelcheck in batch mode to print all text strings
    Second step: Translation en->ger (external, in spreadsheet)
    Third step: Modelcheck data in batch mode to save/repair all text strings

    Best regards

    KL, May 2, 2007
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