How to combine two splines into one?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P?l, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. P?l

    P?l Guest


    I am trying to get two splines that meet in both ends to become one
    spline. Is this possible?

    Best regards
    Pål Eilertsen
    P?l, Jul 8, 2004
  2. P?l

    matt Guest

    (P?l) wrote in
    use a "fit spline"

    matt, Jul 8, 2004
  3. In 2004 SP4, yes. In older versions... not sure.

    *) Make sure the the two ends that meet are tangent to each other
    with a relation

    *) Select the point where they meet with your select tool

    *) Press your 'Delete' key on your keyboard

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Jul 8, 2004
  4. You know, I think I misread your post. If your splines were joined
    at one end, then it works. You want a 'closed' single spline. Yeah,
    Matt's idea is the way to go.

    Mike J. Wilson, Jul 9, 2004
  5. P?l

    P?l Guest


    Thanks for good ideas. What I have done is to make the end points
    tangent and then use fit spline. This makes the splines into one but
    if I try to adjust the points the result isn't what I expect.
    Especially around the connecting points. I am using SW2003 SP3.

    P?l, Jul 9, 2004
  6. P?l

    matt Guest

    (P?l) wrote in

    I think it was in 2004 that we got the ability to make constrained fit
    splines. Why aren't you using a new version?

    Plus, I don't think Mike's deleting the endpoint idea works in 2003 or even
    in 2004...

    In 2003 and prior, getting splines to follow other control geometry was
    kind of a hassle.

    good luck,

    matt, Jul 9, 2004
  7. Yeah, it doesn't work if you are trying to close the spline like a circle.
    It does work (at least in SP4) when you want to turn two splines into
    one, and the other ends are not connected.

    Mike J. Wilson, Jul 9, 2004
  8. P?l

    Sporkman Guest

    Definitely doesn't work in 2003.
    Sporkman, Jul 9, 2004
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