Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. I'm in the process of trying to document our CAD standards. Being a
    sheetmetal job shop we have created part templates based on material type,
    thickness, bend radius and k-factor. I need to document these settings, I
    started by right-clicking on the template file and selecting properties and
    then the custom tab. Looking at these properties I then manually type them
    into an excel spreadsheet. I finished the aluminum materials (14 different
    templates) and I thought to myself, "there must be a easier way to do this."
    Does anyone know of a program that could capture this information for me?
    Or maybe just a better way of doing this procedure?

    Thanks in advance
    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 14, 2005
  2. Not Necessarily Me

    lmar Guest


    The first thing that comes to mind is using a design table. See SW help
    section on this feature.

    lmar, Nov 14, 2005
  3. Thanks Len for your answer...But I went back and re-read what I posted and
    I'm not sure how your answer helps me. Please understand the part templates
    are already created with the setting preset for thickness, k-factor and bend
    radius. We've been using these for several years not I just need to
    document these settings. Please expand on your answer if in light of what I
    just typed you feel that your answer has merit.

    sorry for being dense but it is Monday morning,
    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 14, 2005
  4. Not Necessarily Me

    WT Guest

    Not a direct answer to your request, but maybe a help. Do you know
    that you can highlight all the properties, CTRL-C, and then CTRL-V
    paste them into Excel all at one time? I don't know if you were doing
    things one field at a time, but if so, this would speed things up a

    WT, Nov 14, 2005
  5. Not Necessarily Me

    Bob Hanson Guest

    An API program can be built to capture this info and either place it
    into an Excel spreadsheet or perhaps an Access database.

    Best regards,

    Bob Hanson
    Senior Solutions Provider
    Centare Group Ltd.
    Bob Hanson, Nov 14, 2005
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