How to call a function

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cmedinag, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. cmedinag

    cmedinag Guest

    hi, i've been trying to make a subroutine that from a selection of adyacent lines makes a single polilyne so that i can use sendcommand to make a fillet... i found some code for joining lines and i've been trying to call it but i just dont know how... this is the functions i found and the code im using to call

    Public Function MeJoinPline(FstPol As AcadLWPolyline, NxtPol As AcadLWPolyline, FuzVal As Double) As Boolean

    Dim FstArr() As Double
    Dim NxtArr() As Double
    Dim TmpPnt(0 To 1) As Double
    Dim FstLen As Long
    Dim NxtLen As Long
    Dim VtxCnt As Long
    Dim FstCnt As Long
    Dim NxtCnt As Long
    Dim RevFlg As Boolean
    Dim RetVal As Boolean

    With FstPol
    FstArr = .Coordinates
    NxtArr = NxtPol.Coordinates
    FstLen = UBound(FstArr)
    NxtLen = UBound(NxtArr)
    If MePointsEqual(FstArr, 1, NxtArr, NxtLen, FuzVal) Then
    MeReversePline FstPol
    FstArr = .Coordinates
    MeReversePline NxtPol
    NxtArr = NxtPol.Coordinates
    RevFlg = True
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf MePointsEqual(FstArr, 1, NxtArr, 1, FuzVal) Then
    MeReversePline FstPol
    FstArr = .Coordinates
    RevFlg = True
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf MePointsEqual(FstArr, FstLen, NxtArr, NxtLen, FuzVal) Then
    MeReversePline NxtPol
    NxtArr = NxtPol.Coordinates
    RevFlg = False
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf MePointsEqual(FstArr, FstLen, NxtArr, 1, FuzVal) Then
    RevFlg = False
    RetVal = True
    RetVal = False
    End If

    If RetVal Then
    FstCnt = (FstLen - 1) / 2
    NxtCnt = 0
    .SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt)
    For VtxCnt = 2 To NxtLen Step 2
    FstCnt = FstCnt + 1
    NxtCnt = NxtCnt + 1
    TmpPnt(0) = NxtArr(VtxCnt)
    TmpPnt(1) = NxtArr(VtxCnt + 1)
    .AddVertex FstCnt, TmpPnt
    .SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt)
    Next VtxCnt
    If RevFlg Then
    MeReversePline FstPol
    End If
    End With

    MeJoinPline = RetVal

    End Function

    ' -----

    Public Function MeReversePline(PolObj As AcadLWPolyline)

    Dim NewArr() As Double
    Dim BlgArr() As Double
    Dim OldArr() As Double
    Dim SegCnt As Long
    Dim ArrCnt As Long
    Dim ArrLen As Long

    With PolObj
    OldArr = .Coordinates
    ArrLen = UBound(OldArr)
    SegCnt = (ArrLen - 1) / 2
    ReDim NewArr(0 To ArrLen)
    ReDim BlgArr(0 To SegCnt + 1)

    For ArrCnt = SegCnt To 0 Step -1
    BlgArr(ArrCnt) = .GetBulge(SegCnt - ArrCnt) * -1
    Next ArrCnt
    For ArrCnt = ArrLen To 0 Step -2
    NewArr(ArrLen - ArrCnt + 1) = OldArr(ArrCnt)
    NewArr(ArrLen - ArrCnt) = OldArr(ArrCnt - 1)
    Next ArrCnt

    .Coordinates = NewArr

    For ArrCnt = 0 To SegCnt
    .SetBulge ArrCnt, BlgArr(ArrCnt + 1)
    Next ArrCnt

    End With

    End Function

    ' -----

    Public Function MePointsEqual(FstArr, FstPos As Long, NxtArr, NxtPos As Long, FuzVal As Double) As Boolean

    Dim XcoDst As Double
    Dim YcoDst As Double

    XcoDst = FstArr(FstPos - 1) - NxtArr(NxtPos - 1)
    YcoDst = FstArr(FstPos) - NxtArr(NxtPos)

    MePointsEqual = (Sqr(XcoDst ^ 2 + YcoDst ^ 2) < FuzVal)

    End Function


    Public Sub FilletPolyline()

    Dim entity As AcadEntity
    Dim filletRadius As Double
    Dim pickedPoint As Variant
    Dim polyline As AcadLWPolyline

    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity entity, pickedPoint, "Select a polyline..."
    filletRadius = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Enter the fillet radius...")

    If TypeOf entity Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    Set polyline = entity
    ThisDrawing.SendCommand "FILLET Radius" & Str(filletRadius) & " Polyline Last "
    Call MeJoinPline
    End If

    End Sub

    thanks for your help!
    cmedinag, Mar 31, 2005
  2. cmedinag

    Oberer Guest

    public and private SUB's can be run via VBARUN.
    public and private FUNCTIONS can't be called via vbarun.

    to set up a command in autocad:

    (defun c:CBA ()
    (vl-vbarun "G:/WARE/vb/utilities.dvb!COPY_BLOCK_ATTS")

    -c:CBA is the command name to type
    -"G:/WARE/vb/utilities.dvb" is the fully qualified path to your project
    -COPY_BLOCK_ATTS is the name of the public SUB
    Oberer, Mar 31, 2005
  3. cmedinag

    cmedinag Guest

    but can i call the functions above inside the sub so when the sub is called via vbarun it can be also executed?
    cmedinag, Mar 31, 2005
  4. cmedinag

    Oberer Guest

    sure. here's an old function that uppercases text.

    notice how the function "gettexttomodify" is called from within the sub?

    in this particular case the function getTextToModify returns a selection. functions may or may not return a value. if they don't return a value you can simply "call" them using Call FunctionName .

    ' upper case text
    Public Sub UPPER_CASE_TEXT()
    Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
    Dim oSS As AcadSelectionSet
    Set oSS = getTextToModify
    For Each oEnt In oSS
    oEnt.TextString = UCase(oEnt.TextString)
    Next oEnt
    Set oEnt = Nothing
    Set oSS = Nothing
    End Sub
    'return a selection set of text & mtext
    Public Function getTextToModify() As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim grpCode(0) As Integer
    Dim dataVal(0) As Variant
    'start an undo mark in the DB
    'create a new selection set object
    Set ssetObj = vbdPowerSet("SS01")
    ' Build a selection set of group codes and values to filter for: Text or Mtext.
    grpCode(1) = 0
    dataVal(1) = "TEXT,MTEXT"
    'prompt for user to select text
    ssetObj.SelectOnScreen grpCode, dataVal
    Set getTextToModify = ssetObj
    End Function
    Oberer, Mar 31, 2005
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