how to activate virtuoso XL layout ->create->device

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by jren, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. jren

    jren Guest

    I am learning how to use virtuoso XL, and know little about this, so
    maybe my question is somehow stupid, please give me some hint.:)
    the question is:
    I have written the symContactDevice() in the technology file, and I
    created a device (cdsVia) in Qcell. I am trying to insert this QCell
    Device into the layout. As the "Virtuoso XL Layout Editor User Guide"
    told, I should choose "Create - device", but this term is dark, which
    means I can not choose it. I do not why, may anyone tell me the
    And I am still confused about the meaning of QCell, is it a kind of
    PCell which is just used in VXL layout editor, I found when I created
    the "cdsVia", my technology file automatically changed: there are
    corresponding term added in Deivce Rules, so I wonder if QCell is the
    another way of writing the Device Rules in technology file?

    jren, Jul 10, 2006
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