How to access(plot) cds_global.\vdd! from OCEAN ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by -, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. -

    - Guest

    Hi everyone!

    I am able to use the wavescan Results Browser to see that I
    effectively have a global signal (e.g.: cds_global.\vdd!) in a
    simulation database (e.g: mydb) and event plot it using this wavescan

    I am now trying to have it batched with OCEAN:

    *Error* strcat: argument #1 should be either a string or a symbol
    (type template = "S") - nil
    ocean> plot(myvdd)
    *Error* eval: unbound variable - myvdd

    I assume the problem is the special character bang ("!")
    I have tried to escape it, but I just can´t find the proper way.

    Any suggestions?

    Best thanks,

    -, Jun 12, 2007
  2. -

    S. Badel Guest

    I don't think so. I don't know where this error comes from, but use

    myvdd = v( "/vdd!" ?result "dc" )

    ?result should be "dc", "tran", "ac" or whatever your simulation is.

    For more info ocnHelp('v) and OCEAN reference.

    S. Badel, Jun 12, 2007
  3. -

    - Guest

    In my particular case that would be :

    myvdd = v( "/vdd!" ?result "tran" )

    ...but it did not work neither. Same error message...

    thanx anyway!
    -, Jun 12, 2007
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