How to access layout object property edit form

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Suresh Jeevanandam, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. Hi all,
    The layout objects property edit form (that comes up when you press
    "Q") is not accessible from skill. Why is it so...

    Suresh Jeevanandam, Mar 1, 2005
  2. What about

    q = leHiEditProp()
    <Shift>q = leEditDesignProperties()


    Bernd Fischer, Mar 1, 2005
  3. Bernd,
    Actually I want to access the skill form object that I can assign to a
    variable etc.
    For schematic property form, one can use the skill variable
    schObjPropForm to access the field properties through skill.
    But for the layout property form, I am not seeing any such variable.

    I think my earlier message was not very clear.

    Thanks for the response.

    Suresh Jeevanandam, Mar 1, 2005
  4. I would have suggested
    but I realized that it doesn't work either
    for the Layout edit prop forms.

    Bernd Fischer, Mar 1, 2005
  5. The form is not a SKILL form, but implemented natively in Motif.

    So you can't mess with it using SKILL. Why do you want to? There
    may be other ways of doing what you want to do if I know the end goal.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 1, 2005
  6. Andrew,
    I find two places where this could be extremly helpfull.

    1) Say the user has thousands of instances of standard pdk cells. And
    say he wants to change a particular parameter. If he changes the
    parameter through the property form, all the callbacks are called, and
    no problem. Since the number of instances is really huge, whats the
    recommended way to change the parameters. Note that these pcells are
    defined using cdf. [ The CDF mechanism itself is very difficult to
    understand for me ]

    2) Changing the pin names. There is no straightforward way to accomplish
    this in the PI. However it is very simple in HI, just press Q go to the
    connectivity section, edit the value, press OK.

    If we can access the form structure through skill, I can mimic the
    entire HI events in a loop.

    Suresh Jeevanandam, Mar 2, 2005
  7. Suresh Jeevanandam

    S. Badel Guest

    1) Say the user has thousands of instances of standard pdk cells. And
    Through the UI, you can do a search, then select all, then properties, check
    common and change the parameter. Supposing you want to change all to the same
    value, of course.

    As to how modify a parameter with SKILL, while still calling the CDF callback,
    good question. I have found the function cdfExecParamCallback which doesn't
    seem to be documented. Otherwise, it is possible to set cdfgData to the CDF
    of your cell, and call axplicitely the callback using evalstring.
    I do not see what's so hard in changing pin names with SKILL. maybe you're mixing up
    pins and terminals.


    S. Badel, Mar 2, 2005
  8. I want to change the parameter values based on their current value ( for
    example scaling cap values by some amount). So, Clicking the "common"
    button and changing the value does not work for me.:-(
    I am trying to change the pin name of a pin that is created using the
    menu command *create->pin*. In PI I could not see any solution other
    than deleting the shape and the associated net and then recreating the
    shape and net(with new name) and attaching them.

    Thanks for the response.
    Suresh Jeevanandam, Mar 2, 2005
  9. Suresh Jeevanandam

    S. Badel Guest

    Well, in that case the second part of the answer is relevant.
    More explicitely, given you have an instance inst with property prop that
    you want to change, you can do :

    cdfData = cdfGetInstCDF(inst)
    cdfParam = cdfFindParamByName(cdf "prop")
    oldval = cdfParam~>value
    cdfParam~>value = f( oldval )

    then comes the problem of calling the callback. maybe Andrew can help on this,
    but my nasty solution is
    cdfgData = cdf
    evalstring( cdfParam~>callback )

    In any case you do not have to delete the shape. I guess the problem arises because of all
    the interdependency between nets, pins, terminal names etc... One easy way is to create the
    new net, then merge the old one into the new one, the rename the terminal. as for the pins,
    i think their names do not matter.


    newnet=dbMakeNet( cv "FOO" )
    dbMergeNet( newnet net )

    S. Badel, Mar 2, 2005
  10. See solution 11018344 on sourcelink.

    Sorry for the quick answer - I'm rather busy at the moment.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 2, 2005
  11. Andrew thanks for the info.

    My humble opinion is that more thought could have been put when the cdf
    mechanism was defined.

    I am finding it very very difficult to understand the cdf related stuffs.

    The API should have been defined in such a way that when the user does,
    dbFindProp(inst propName)->value = newValue
    the system should find whether the inst has any cdf mechanism and call
    the callbacks accordingly.

    (If skill has some limitations in overloading the set() function, then a
    separate function should have been written which sets pcell parameters,
    something like,
    pcSetParam(inst propName value)

    Such a system would help not only the cadence users but also cadence
    developers them self.

    Suresh Jeevanandam, Mar 3, 2005
  12. The trouble is that this was designed something like 14-15 years ago, without
    the benefit of seeing how everyone would use CDF callbacks. It was clearly
    envisaged as allowing form field callbacks rather than parameter change

    There's no reason why parameter change callbacks could not have been
    implemented - but there's still a difference. With CDF callbacks, the
    callbacks would need to be triggered when a parameter changes on the form -
    which is before the changes are actually applied to the database. The system
    would need to be able to support both somehow, which is not that

    So it's not as easy as it seems...

    Even if this were done at the DB level, there are still no end of troubles
    that callbacks cause in a system that supports parameter inheritance. See
    posts passim where I've talked about the problems with callbacks:

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 3, 2005
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