How this error generate?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by boogie, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. boogie

    boogie Guest

    when I do hspice simulation, after hspice netlist complied
    there many error :

    Init: hspice initialization file: /opt/synopsys/hspice/2002.2.2/hspice.ini

    **error**: o or i follows a number on a line could
    be a bad character as component unit

    **error**: o or i follows a number on a line could
    be a bad character as component unit

    ..subckt sub5 ifc stop vclk vco_ampen vco_i2p5 vco_i5p0 vco_scmen vco_start
    +inh_vdd inh_vss
    xistage2 out1p out1m osc_nbias osc_pbias out2m out2p inh_vdd inh_vss

    **error**: o or i follows a number on a line could
    be a bad character as component unit


    **error**: subcircuit name missing

    xistage1 out4m out4p osc_nbias osc_pbias out1m out1p inh_vdd inh_vss

    **error**: o or i follows a number on a line could
    be a bad character as component unit
    boogie, Oct 22, 2003
  2. If I remember rightly, you can't have a net or subckt name which begins with number,
    except (in the case of numbers) if they are wholly numerical. It's bad practice
    anyway, because this is a common restriction in many tools - and I think it's
    a restriction with hspice (I may be wrong and these days it may be different),
    but that's what the error message suggests to me.

    Andrew Beckett, Oct 22, 2003
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