How not to use CIW but UNIX command line

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Zhiheng Cao, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. Zhiheng Cao

    Zhiheng Cao Guest

    I would really love it if I can use UNIX command line or Emacs
    in place of the CIW which has only limited command line editing

    I tried icfb -nograph but it cannot open any windows.
    Why does cadence have this stupid restriction?

    I want to control icfb by command line, which I can easily repeat or
    because i am not that good at repetitive mouse clicking.
    Zhiheng Cao, Nov 14, 2004
  2. Zhiheng Cao

    Jim Newton Guest

    hi Zheheng, A great idea would be to write an emacs mode
    that would send its ouptut to icfb, perhaps through an
    ipcProcess. Have you used the emacs shell? Something like
    that is what i have in mind. When you press CR, emacs sends
    the line to the shell. And when the shell outputs something,
    emacs copies it into the buffer. The same principle should
    work for icfb. You could use all the full
    screen editing features of emacs. I have never seen any
    implementation of this idea, at least not yet.

    Jim Newton, Nov 15, 2004
  3. Hi Jim,
    it has been done in tcl. I think you can get a good idea on how to do
    things with a different command line on.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 16, 2004
  4. Zhiheng Cao

    Boris Guest

    Hi All,

    Are you using skill-mode for Emacs? There is an possibility in this
    mode to send buffer of selection to the icfb. It using temporary file
    for Emacs to Cadence(ipcProcess) data transfer. It seems you can reuse
    the code simply to implement the Cadence command line like shell.
    Unfortunately I am not a Emacs guru and could not implement it by
    self, but I will enjoy this feature is anybody do it :).
    Boris, Nov 19, 2004
  5. Zhiheng Cao

    Zhiheng Cao Guest

    I have made a utility to just do this. It supports TAB completion for SKILL
    functions and history file, so you can use Ctrl+R to recall
    command entered. It also contains Finder documents, just press TAB
    twice to view the document for the function before cursor.

    Zhiheng Cao, Nov 20, 2004
  6. Zhiheng Cao

    Zhiheng Cao Guest

    Zhiheng Cao, Nov 20, 2004
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