How many seats has SWX sold?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mickey Reilley, Dec 22, 2003.

  1. Do any of you know where to get statistics on how many seats of SWX have
    been sold? Just curious to know the market share that the different solid
    modelers have.
    Mickey Reilley, Dec 22, 2003
  2. Mickey Reilley

    Arlin Guest

    Check this out:

    interesting discussion on the politics of releasing such numbers and
    what they actually do, or don't mean.
    Arlin, Dec 22, 2003
  3. Mickey Reilley

    Arlin Guest

    oh yes, and to get the general gist and flow of the discussion, read the
    article from bottom to top...
    Arlin, Dec 22, 2003
  4. Yep,.. "There are lies, then there are damn lies",.. and by golly, Ade$k
    marketing is good at it.

    Paul Salvador, Dec 22, 2003
  5. Mickey Reilley

    jon banquer Guest

    Don't sell yourself short.

    jon banquer, Dec 23, 2003
  6. Mickey Reilley

    hoser_71 Guest

    It woks in both directions though. There are plenty of Soldworks
    seats out there that aren't being used, and plenty of Inventor seats
    not being used. Another factor to look at is educational seats. All
    companies will include educational seats in their total, but if you
    look closely you'll see the educational count.

    Autodesk released the following press release about a month ago:
    Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK), the world's leading design software and
    digital content company, today announced a milestone in the success of
    its Autodesk Inventor® and Autodesk Inventor® Series software, as the
    company reached a total installed base of 258,463 licenses
    sold—102,371 commercial and 156,092 educational licenses—since the
    software was introduced less than four years ago.

    Solidworks released the following press release in June:
    CONCORD, Mass., June 23, 2003 — SolidWorks today continued its
    dominance of the three dimensional (3D) mechanical design market when
    it announced it has shipped 250,000 licenses of its flagship software
    since 1995.
    hoser_71, Dec 23, 2003
  7. This is exactly what I'm after. My brother works for a PTC reseller and is
    constantly badgering me on why I'm not using Pro/E. Well, I reply, I used
    Pro/E for two years at my last job along with Pro/Intralink and my
    department's productivity went down 50% from where we were with Mechanical
    Desktop. He loves to spew the same jargon and BS our PTC salesmen did. I
    just wanted some BS to spew back at him such as these sales figures.

    I plan on having myself a very merry Christmas. Hope you have one too.
    Mickey Reilley, Dec 23, 2003
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