How important is it for SW to be compatabel with an MRP system

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nathan Feculak, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. We are currently in the process of looking for an MRP/ERP system. How
    important is it to be able to have the two to communicate/Linked to each
    other. Why is it important to have them linked? what are the pros and cons?
    Any information you can give me would help allot!


    Nathan Feculak, Apr 27, 2004
  2. Nathan Feculak

    matt Guest

    I don't believe SW is compatible with any MRP system.

    I think the question you should be asking is if your PDM system is
    compatible with MRP. That's where the real value will be. The answer to
    "is X PDM compatible with Y MRP?" is always "Yes", but qualified by the
    limit of how much money you're willing to throw at it.

    When you get your PDM/MRP link set up, usually people opt to go one-
    directional, so data flows from CAD to PDM to MRP, but not the other way.
    That just complicates matters too much.

    As to which MRP to pick, well, that is a decision that needs the input of
    purchasing, receiving, manufacturing, shipping, IT and management at least
    as much if not more than engineering. The main thing that you would want
    to look for to make it compatible with a PDM system is that you can write
    scripts for it or that you at least understand and can manipulate the
    database behind it.

    matt, Apr 27, 2004
  3. I saw a demo of a add-in which interfaced directly with "Made 2 Manage" and
    Solidworks. When one created a part or assembly in solidworks, it was
    automatically available in the MRP and Solidworks could reference the MRP
    data. If you'd like more info, I'll dig my pile to find the package and

    Keith Streich, Apr 27, 2004
  4. Interesting. We implemented M2M 3 or 4 years ago (at the old company) and at
    the time it only interfaced with AutoCAD. We did have something called the
    "data loader" that would read Excel spreadsheets and import the information
    in to M2M (if it was properly mapped of course), but our support reps told
    us if we used it past the initial "data translation" phase they would void
    our warranty.

    Could this add-in package have been made by ITWorks in Oklahoma?

    Richard Doyle, Apr 27, 2004
  5. I dug and can't find. If my memory serves me, they're from the twin cities
    area. I'll look at home tonight.

    Keith Streich, Apr 27, 2004
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