How does one answer prompt "Select gaining space boundary"?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jon Roland, Sep 20, 2003.

  1. Jon Roland

    Jon Roland Guest

    This may be obvious to old hands, but I have the need to merge several
    blocks and remove the lines of their common boundaries. I am stuck at
    the point where the command prompt is "Select gaining space boundary:"
    I would expect to be able to just click on the block to select it, but
    the odd little square cursor doesn't do anything, and everything I
    have tried entering to specify the boundary doesn't get accepted so
    that I can get the expected prompt for the other space. Can some kind
    person please tell me what to enter for the prompts? Please reply by
    email, since I don't monitor this group regularly. It would also help
    to point me to some online documentation for this kind of thing. The
    help files are not sufficiently specific.

    I am using AutoCAD 14 Architectural for a client who doesn't have
    Jon Roland, Sep 20, 2003
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