How do you close the file in a FileNewNotify2() event?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, Jul 12, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest


    I'm fairly new to the SolidWorks API and am having a heck or a time with it.

    The problem I am currently having, is when a user creates a new file, a
    dialog box opens for user interaction. But if the user cancels, I need to
    close the newly created file.

    I thought the FileNewNotify2 event was the way to go, but for the life of me
    I cannot close that file! and to be honest, I don't find the API
    Documentation all that helpful.

    This has got to be something simple, can somebody provide me with a clue?

    Thanks in advance,

    ---- CancelTest.cls -- CancelTest.cls -- CancelTest.cls -- CancelTest.cls --
    CancelTest.cls --
    Option Explicit

    Implements SWPublished.SwAddin
    Private WithEvents m_oSldWrks As SldWorks.SldWorks

    Private Function m_oSldWrks_FileNewNotify2(ByVal newDoc As Object, _
    ByVal DocType As Long, _
    ByVal templateName As String) As
    '// open a dlg box

    '// if dlg box was cancelled, then close new file
    Dim sTitle As String
    sTitle = newDoc.GetTitle() '// newDoc is assumed to be a
    Debug.Print sTitle
    m_oSldWrks.QuitDoc sTitle '// doesn't work
    m_oSldWrks.CloseDoc sTitle '// doesn't work

    End Function

    Private Function SwAddin_ConnectToSW(ByVal ThisSW As Object, _
    ByVal Cookie As Long) As Boolean
    '// set data member object
    Set m_oSldWrks = ThisSW
    End Function

    Private Function SwAddin_DisconnectFromSW() As Boolean
    '// clear data member object
    Set m_oSldWrks = Nothing
    End Function
    John, Jul 12, 2004
  2. Modify this code for your userform

    Dim swApp as Sldworks.Sldworks
    Dim NewModelDoc as Sldworks.Modeldoc2

    Private Sub CommandButtonCancel_Click()
    swapp.CloseDoc (NewModelDoc.GetTitle)
    End Sub

    Private Sub YourUserFormName_Initialize()
    Set swApp = Application.SolidWorks
    Set NewModelDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
    End Sub

    Then when FileNewNotify2 envokes your UserForm the user form will grab the
    New Document's Object for you to manipulate.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Jul 12, 2004
  3. John

    John Guest

    Hi Corey,

    I tried what you suggested and it worked fine in a SolidWorks Macro.

    However, I am building a Visual Basic COM DLL and although I modified my old
    code (the FileNewNotify2 event specifically) to use the ActiveDoc as you
    suggested, BUT it still did not work.

    Private Function m_oSldWrks_FileNewNotify2(ByVal newDoc As Object, _
    ByVal DocType As Long, _
    ByVal templateName As String) As
    Dim oDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Set oDoc = m_oSldWrks.ActiveDoc
    m_oSldWrks.CloseDoc oDoc.GetTitle() '// doesn't work
    m_oSldWrks.QuitDoc oDoc.GetTitle() '// doesn't work
    End Function

    Does anybody know why Corey's code would work in a Macro, but the same thing
    will not work from a VB COM DLL?

    John, Jul 12, 2004
  4. John I think you are going to have to Load and show a user form and cancel
    using the userform. I can't get it to work Unless I use a userform. You
    have to envoke the form for your user to be able to cancel anyway.

    Private Function m_oSldWrks_FileNewNotify2(ByVal newDoc As Object, _
    ByVal DocType As Long, _
    ByVal templateName As String)

    Load Userform1
    Userform1.Show True
    End Function

    then on the user form

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    ThisLibrary.m_oSldWrks.CloseDoc (ThisLibrary.m_oSldWrks.ActiveDoc.GetTitle)
    End Sub

    Corey Scheich, Jul 12, 2004
  5. John

    rocheey Guest

    Does anybody know why Corey's code would work in a Macro, but the same thing
    well, a couple of questions before i give a couple of **guesses***

    1) was your VB code also done from a form module? A form module is a
    (type of) class module, and only class modules can recieve events.

    2) was your VB form one that was imported from the VBA form?
    If so, check the syntax: the default control naming, and even some of
    the events, differ from VBA, to VB....
    rocheey, Jul 13, 2004
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