How do rev tables work?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by T Bennett, Nov 18, 2003.

  1. T Bennett

    T Bennett Guest

    I have some custom properties in my drawing. When I insert the rev table,
    the headings come in, but not the information from my custom properties.
    The information I fill into the rev table goes back into my properties.
    This is backwards. It would be nice if it would create a new revision row
    if it saw a different rev level than the last row's rev. Is there some
    logic I'm missing? The help is no help.

    Also, if I select a column then change it to custom property, it doesn't
    take the info from the custom property. In addition, if I select that same
    column again, the properties box is blank. What the heck?

    Todd Bennett
    Celerity Group, Inc
    T Bennett, Nov 18, 2003
  2. T Bennett

    T Bennett Guest

    Funny thing: I've asked this question twice now (slightly different).
    Nobody seems to know how rev tables work. It could be I'm not giving enough
    time for a response, however, it looks like I'm the resident expert.

    Therefore, in my expert opinion, I'd say there is no logic built into rev
    tables, where custom properties are concerned. They just look pretty, and
    are a bit easier to use than embedded objects. That's not really a negative
    statement. I like them far better than Excel rev tables. They lock into
    position, can have a dimension for height and width, and are easily edited.

    Todd Bennett
    Celerity Group, Inc
    T Bennett, Nov 20, 2003
  3. T Bennett

    T Bennett Guest

    You know, I never ask my VAR anything. This group is supreme in SolidWorks

    Todd Bennett
    Celerity Group, Inc
    T Bennett, Nov 20, 2003
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