How do I run this file?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by chavez, May 3, 2004.

  1. chavez

    chavez Guest

    I found an app that will do (if it works) exactly what I am looking for, but I can't figure out how to run it. It says its a vba file. I don't know what this is and appload doesn't recongnize .vba files. Can someone tell me how to run this?

    What it is supposed to do is change all overridden colors to "by layer" and puts them on a layer with the former color's name. PERFECT! (if it works)

    Jacob chavez
    chavez, May 3, 2004
  2. chavez

    ECCAD Guest

    Look into Help, read up on "vbarun"

    ECCAD, May 3, 2004
  3. chavez

    chavez Guest

    Thanks, I looked into this and it still won't load. First, it is unclear as to what I should do with this file to make it a vba, as it is a txt file within the zip file. What I did was extract the file, then rename the txt file to a .dvb (vba file) Then used "vbaload" to load the file. I get an error that says "incorrect file type". Just to make sure that I was loading and running a vba correctly, I tried loading a sample vba (shipped with autocad) and was able to load and run it fine using the method descibed above.

    Does anyone know if there is something wrong with this code, or if anyone knows of an app that does acomplishes what I am trying to do. (read above)


    chavez, May 4, 2004
  4. chavez

    mr_nick Guest

    I have got this to run.

    Copy the text to your clipboard, open the VB Editor and paste the text into it. Save the project.

    Now run the macro you just saved (ALT+F8) and a dialog pops up to say that x amount of objects have been changed to colour by layer. All items are then dropped onto a layer called CBL_xx where xx is the number of the colour they are shown.

    Hope this helps.
    mr_nick, May 5, 2004
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