How do I measure voltage at trigger signal with MDL?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by jacunski, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. jacunski

    jacunski Guest

    Can anyone tell me how to measure a voltage at a specific trigger time
    using SpectreMDL?

    For example, I'd like to measure the voltage on net1 when net2 passes
    through a particular voltage. This can be done in HSpice as follows:

    .meas tran vsignal FIND v(net1) WHEN v(net2)=0.5 RISE=2


    -- Mark
    jacunski, Aug 3, 2005
  2. Mark,

    The equivalent in MDL is

    export real vsignal = V(net1)@cross( V(net2), thresh=0.5, dir='rise,
    n=2 )

    You could write it a couple of different ways, e.g.

    export real vsignal = V(net1)@cross( V(net2)-0.5, 'rise, 2 )

    But the first is probably the most efficient.

    John O'Donovan, Aug 3, 2005
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