How do i locate the last element?

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Jason Recliner, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. I am trying to convert text to tags using Microstation Basic.
    Basically i want to step through a file looking for text on a certain
    level, get the string (using MbeElement.getString), place a cell at
    the origin of the text and then tag the cell with the string obtained
    from the text.
    The problem i am having is how to locate the cell to tag it once i
    have placed it, ie locate the last element created.
    I am assuming i need to use MbeStartLocate and/or MbeRelocate but i'm
    not sure how.

    Any ideas?
    Jason Recliner, Dec 9, 2003
  2. Jason Recliner

    Who Me? Guest

    Sub Main
    Dim endOfFile as Long

    ' save the end of file position
    endOfFile = MbeDgnInfo.endOfFile

    ' ... do something here like place an element..

    ' make the current file position the previous end of file position
    endOfFile = elem.FromFile(endOfFile)

    ' locate the element
    MbeLocateElement endOfFile

    ' do something with the located element
    ' ...........

    End Sub

    perl -e '$_ = "macart\\n"; s/NO\.//; s/SPAM\.//;
    | I am trying to convert text to tags using Microstation Basic.
    | Basically i want to step through a file looking for text on a certain
    | level, get the string (using MbeElement.getString), place a cell at
    | the origin of the text and then tag the cell with the string obtained
    | from the text.
    | The problem i am having is how to locate the cell to tag it once i
    | have placed it, ie locate the last element created.
    | I am assuming i need to use MbeStartLocate and/or MbeRelocate but i'm
    | not sure how.
    | Any ideas?
    Who Me?, Dec 10, 2003
  3. I tried that but it wont select any elements,
    after it gets to:
    endOfFile = elem.FromFile(endOfFile)
    endOfFile returns -1
    Jason Recliner, Dec 12, 2003
  4. Jason Recliner

    Dave Preston Guest

    That suggests you have not placed a new element as the code is correct.
    If you still have problems post or email me your code
    Dave Preston, Dec 12, 2003
  5. Jason Recliner

    Who Me? Guest

    A working example

    Sub Main
    Dim endOfFile as Long

    ' save the end of file position
    endOfFile = MbeDgnInfo.endOfFile

    ' ... do something here like place an element..
    MbeSendCommand "PLACE LINE"
    MbeSendDataPoint 0,0,0,1
    MbeSendDataPoint 10,10,0,1

    ' make the current file position the previous end of file position
    endOfFile = elem.FromFile(endOfFile)

    ' do something with the located element
    ' ...........
    MbeSendCommand "DELETE ELEMENT"
    MbeLocateElement endOfFile
    MbeLocateElement endOfFile


    End Sub

    perl -e '$_ = "macart\\n"; s/NO\.//; s/SPAM\.//;
    | Sub Main
    | Dim endOfFile as Long
    | ' save the end of file position
    | endOfFile = MbeDgnInfo.endOfFile
    | ' ... do something here like place an element..
    | ' make the current file position the previous end of file position
    | endOfFile = elem.FromFile(endOfFile)
    | ' locate the element
    | MbeLocateElement endOfFile
    | ' do something with the located element
    | ' ...........
    | End Sub
    | --
    | perl -e '$_ = "macart\\n"; s/NO\.//; s/SPAM\.//;
    | print;'
    | | | I am trying to convert text to tags using Microstation Basic.
    | | Basically i want to step through a file looking for text on a certain
    | | level, get the string (using MbeElement.getString), place a cell at
    | | the origin of the text and then tag the cell with the string obtained
    | | from the text.
    | | The problem i am having is how to locate the cell to tag it once i
    | | have placed it, ie locate the last element created.
    | | I am assuming i need to use MbeStartLocate and/or MbeRelocate but i'm
    | | not sure how.
    | |
    | | Any ideas?
    Who Me?, Dec 12, 2003
  6. Thanks for that.
    I can now select the last element (a cell) but i'm having trouble
    tagging it.
    The macro runs through the file ok - finds the text, gets the string
    from it, place the cell at the text origin point, but it will only tag
    the first piece of text, the rest remain untagged.
    Is this because i am not creating a unique tag set definition for each

    Code is attached below, i have cobbled it together from a few other
    ones so some it may look familiar...

    Function PlaceTagCell (OriginPoint as MbePoint)
    MbeSendCommand "ac=rm;place cell"
    MbeSendDataPoint OriginPoint
    MbeSendCOmmand "null"
    End Function

    Function AddTagSet (strSet As String) As Integer
    Dim TagSet As New MbeTagSet = strSet
    AddTagSet = TagSet.add() = Mbe_Success
    End Function

    Function AddTagDeF (strSet As String, strTag As String) As Integer
    Dim TagDef As New MbeTagDef
    TagDef.setName = strSet = strTag
    AddTagDef = TagDef.add() = Mbe_Success
    End Function

    Function AttachTag (Element As MbeElement, strSet As String, strTag As
    String,strVal As String) As Integer
    Dim Tag As New MbeTag
    Tag.setName = strSet = strTag
    Tag.value = strVal
    AttachTag = Element.attachTag(Tag) = Mbe_Success
    End Function

    Sub Main
    Dim endOfFile As Long
    Dim elem As new MbeElement
    Dim RoomString as String
    dim filepos as long
    dim TextOrigin as MbePoint

    MbeSendCommand "mark"

    strSet$ = "room-no"
    strTag1$ = "room-number"
    strTag2$ = "building"
    strTag3$ = "floor-level"
    strTag4$ = "room-name-1"
    strTag5$ = "campus"
    strTag6$ = "asset"
    strTag7$ = "room-name-2"

    ' Define Tag Set and two Tags
    status = AddTagSet(strSet)

    status = AddTagDef(strSet,strTag1)
    status = AddTagDef(strSet,strTag2)
    status = AddTagDef(strSet,strTag3)
    status = AddTagDef(strSet,strTag4)
    status = AddTagDef(strSet,strTag5)
    status = AddTagDef(strSet,strTag6)
    status = AddTagDef(strSet,strTag7)

    ' save the End of file position
    endOfFile = MbeDgnInfo.endOfFile


    filePos = elem.fromFile (0)

    Do While filePos >= 0
    If elem.level = 56 Then
    If elem.type = 17 Then

    'get string from room name text
    status = elem.getString(RoomString)

    'get origin point of room name text
    status = elem.getOrigin(TextOrigin)

    'change 'read' text to different
    colour and level
    elem.level = 63
    elem.color = 3
    status = elem.rewrite()

    'place cell on room name text

    ' make the current file position the
    previous End of file position
    endOfFile = elem.FromFile(endOfFile)
    MbeLocateElement endOfFile


    status =
    status =
    status =
    status =
    status =
    status =
    status =

    'print filepos
    goto beginloop
    End If
    End If
    filePos = elem.fromFile (filePos + elem.fileSize)
    End Sub
    Jason Recliner, Dec 15, 2003
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